Explaining Ancient Sridevi (Dudsolma)
Shri Devi is not one entity or personality. Depending on the form of Shri Devi she could be a wrathful emanation of a number of different deities such as Shri Devi Magzor Gyalmo is the wrathful form of Sarasvati. Some forms of Shri Devi with four arms such as Dudusolma are the wrathful form of Shri Lakshmi. There are dozens of different variations and forms of Shri Devi.
Shri Devi wrathful with one face and four hands holding upraised a sword, a skullcup to the heart, a peg dagger and a trident, riding atop a mule.
Table of Contents
The Viability of Shridevi
In this portion, we are going to learn about the viability of Shridevi, after the short description if the word Shridevi itself.
Shri Devi is a category of Tantric Buddhist deity. Her primary function is as a protector (Dharmapala) and specifically the primary female Wisdom Protector of Himalayan and Tibetan Buddhism.
Etymology of Shridevi
Shridevi is known as Pal dan Iha mo in Tibet.
Earlier, we learn about the Viability of Shridevi. Now, we are going to learn about Mahayana and Tantric Tradition of Buddhism.
Mahayana and tantric traditions of Buddhism
In the Mahayana and Tantric Tradition of Buddhism, we will learn the explanation of eight kinds of Astagtyah.
A protector of Buddhist dharma is called a Dharmapala. They are typically wrathful deities, depicted with terrifying iconography in the Mahayana and tantric traditions of Buddhism.
The wrathfulness is intended to depict their willingness to defend and guard Buddhist followers against dangers and enemies. The astagatyah (the eight kinds of non-human beings) is one category of Dharmapala, which includes :
Garud refers to the Garula which means golden-winged birds in Buddhist texts. Under the Buddhist concept saṃsāra, they are one of the Astagatyah, the eight classes of inhuman beings.
In Buddhist art, they are shown as sitting and listening to the sermons of the Buddha.
They are enemies of the Nagas (snakes) and are sometimes depicted with a serpent held between their claws.
Like the Hindu art, both zoomorphic (giant eagle-like bird) and partially anthropomorphic (part bird, part human) iconography is common across Buddhist traditions.
In Buddhism Deva’s are highly evolved beings who inhabit different levels of existence. Deva’s are commonly associated with great beauty and bliss.
Buddhism is one of many different types of non-human beings who share the godlike characteristics of being more powerful, longer-lived, and, in general, much happier than humans, although the same level of veneration is not paid to them as to buddhas.
The concept of devas was adopted in Japan partly because of the similarity to Shinto’s concept of kami.
Nagas are mythical serpent beings that originated in Hinduism. In Buddhism, they often are protectors of the Buddha and of the dharma.
However, they also are worldly and temperamental creatures that spread disease and misfortune when angered. The word naga means “cobra” in Sanskrit.
Yaksha is the name of a broad class of nature-spirits, usually benevolent, who are caretakers of the natural treasures hidden in the earth and tree roots.
They appear in Hindu, Jain and Buddhist literature. The feminine form of the word is yakṣī or Yakshini.In Hindu, Jain, and Buddhist texts, the yaksha has a dual personality.
Gandharvas in the historic sense acted as messengers between the gods and humans today they are nothing but imitators, cheaters, liars and those who have tricked themselves into the sound or ‘into being god’.
In Hindu law, a Gandharva marriage is one contracted by mutual consent and without formal rituals.
The asuras battle constantly with the devas. Asuras are described in Indian texts as powerful superhuman demigods with good or bad qualities.
The good Asuras are called Adityas and are led by Varuna, while the malevolent ones are called Danavas and are led by Vritra.
In the earliest layer of Vedic texts, Agni, Indra and other gods are also called Asuras, in the sense of them being “lords” of their respective domains, knowledge, and abilities.
In later Vedic and post-Vedic texts, the benevolent gods are called Devas, while malevolent Asuras compete against these Devas and are considered “enemy of the gods”.
Kinnara is also known as a paradigmatic lover, a celestial musician, half-human and half-horse.
In South-east Asia, two of the most beloved mythological characters are the benevolent half-human, half-bird creatures known as the Kinnara and Kinnari, which are believed to come from the Himalayas and often watch over the well-being of humans in times of trouble or danger.
Their character is clarified in the Adi Parva of the Mahabharata, where they say.
The Mahoraga is one of the eight classes of deities that are said to protect the Dharma.
They are described as huge subterranean serpents who lie on their sides and rotate the earth, which occasionally causes earthquakes.
Like the kinnara, the maharaja is also associated with music.
They are understood as being associated with large serpents such as pythons, while the nāgas are more closely related to the cobra.
Earlier, we learn about the Viability of Shridevi and Mahayana and Tantric Tradition of Buddhism. Now, we are going to learn about Mahakala Tantras.
Mahakala Tranntras
Now, we will learn about Trabbtras of Mahakala.
In most occurrences and uses of Shri Devi, but not all, she is paired with a specific form of Mahakala.
Aside from the individual Anuttarayoga Tantras that teach various forms of Shri Devi, the principal texts are the Twenty-five and Fifty Chapter Mahakala Tantras.
The textual source for Magzor Gyalmo is Dakinyagnijihajvala Tantra, Dege Kanjur, It is found in the Nyingma Tantra section.
Earlier, we learn about the Viability of Shridevi and Mahayana and Tantric Tradition of Buddhism. And Finally, we learn about Mahakala Tantras.