About Nāga

Naga is mythical serpentine creature appearing as human or snake, or both together with a human torso above and a coiled snakes tail below. They inhabit the regions beneath the earth and the oceans.

Products related to Nāga

Namkhai Nyingpo Thangka Painting from 19th century

19th century Painting of Namkhai Nyingpo 

'i Nyingpo one of the twenty-five disciples of , is depicted with long-life implements. Other details of this nineteenth-century from Kham suggest from 's story of and Dorje Tso. Namkhai Nyingpo is performing a long-life ritual in this . He holds upraised in the right hand an arrow of and a scepter. In the left hand, a is held close to the heart. In the sky above, at the .
The Five Wisdom Kings is the most important grouping of Wisdom Kings (Vidyaraja)

Buddhist deities – Conceptual and metaphoric refuge

Buddhism includes a wide array of divine beings that are venerated in various ritual and popular contexts. Initially they included mainly Indian figures such as devas, asuras and , but later came to include other Asian spirits and local gods. They range from enlightened Buddhas to regional spirits adopted by Buddhists or practiced on the margins of the religion. The Pali Canon and others suggest that the Buddha taught that belief in a Creator deity .
Padmapani Paubha

The Tales of Padmapani Lokeshwar, Sankata and the Mahankal Bhairava

Narendra Deva along with the priest, Bandudatta and a local farmer, Lalit travelled all the way to Assam, to bring Lokeshwar to but since they faced a lot of "sankat" (dangers) along the way, the priest Bandudatta summoned Sankata, the "deity who removes dangers". In , stories about and have existed from the beginning of and they were an important part of everyday life. They elaborated everything from .

Tales of Hiranya Varna Mahavihar – The Golden Temple

The golden and its sublime architectural design, the marvelous artefacts and engrossing stories have startled the of visitors and left them pondering for years. is a captivating city boasting some majestic temples and poking out from behind modern buildings to those found along the old narrow alleys and streets There are many shrines dedicated to in Patan and you don’t have to be practicing Buddhism to appreciate the architectural significance .

The Legend of Manjushree and the Mystical Paleo Kathmandu Lake

meaning “gentle glory” is often perceived as a divine being who brought order to the valley when it was a Paleo Kathmandu Lake, by cutting down the Chobhar gorge, draining out the and making the land suitable for life. Even more intriguing is the way he did it, by using a supernatural armament, a sword of godly might, cutting the valley into two. On the historical side of affairs, there are .

A brief introduction to Black Jambhala featuring Thangka and Statue collections

, Black (: dzam bha la, nag po), a wealthy deity popularized in by Bari and the Kashmiri teacher Shakyashri . is known by in . Kuber is the . Originating in , he appeared from the river's and passed on the ability to generate to a monarch whose realm was experiencing severe financial troubles at the . He also helps the impoverished and those .

Appearances and Identifications of Vajrapani

is one of the earliest and most recognizable characters of . He is known for carrying a  scepter and being a close attendant to the historical according to the . In , Vajrapani is entrusted to safeguard all of the literature and in this regard, he is known as Guhyapati - the Lord of Secrets. Different of Vajrapani Vajrapani manifests in a variety of forms and looks, ranging from placid .
Black Mahakala Statue Real Gold and Thangka Color

All about Wisdom Protector – Mahakala

is a male deity. He is the protector deity known as a in , especially most traditions, in Tangmi and in Japanese Esoteric . Maha literally translates as great and Kala signifies or death, hence Mahakala means "beyond the time" or "Great Black One". Mahakala is a protector deity and specifically the primary Protector of and . In some cases, Mahakala can also be a meditational .

The power of all Buddhas – Vajrapani Krodha

Krodha has five according to a lineage. Vajrapani Krodha is known as a wrathful meditational deity. Vajrapani Krodh is representing the power of all . The reverse of the of Krodha Vajrapani is decorated with a drawing of a to represent the of all ones. Each of the figures of human teachers and is mar marked with the three letters, ' ah hum', representing the  .

Lion’s Roar All-Seeing Lord – Simhanada Avalokiteshvara

Simhanada is a form of connected with removing illness caused by nagas. Simhanada Avalokiteshavara belongs to the classification and arises from the Simahanada Tantra and the text of the Arya Avalokiteshvara . His primary activity is to remove sickness and disease especially illness caused by nagas. Jowo and Mal popularized the practice of Simhanada in the land of . Simhanada Avalokiteshvara is known as seng ge dra chen re zi in .