About Yamari

A Yamari is a yidam or meditation deity of the Anuttara Yoga Tantra method (father) classification. The Word यमारि yamāri in Sanskrit means Yama's Enemy There are three types of Yamari:Krishna Yamari Rakta Yamari Yamantaka sometimes referred to as Vajrabhairava

Products related to Yamari

Highest Price Mandala – Rakta Yamari worth $45 million

There has been a record that a was sold for $45 million. The is the artwork from . How much was the sold? In the year 2014, there was an auction held in for the and different other artworks. The tapestry was sold to a Shanghai tycoon for $45 million (HK$348 million) at auction in Hong Kong. when seen from a distance the thangka is a shade of red and gold .

Buddhist tantras – Manipulation of the subtle body

The Buddhist Tantras are a varied group of Indian and Tibetan texts which outline unique views and practices of the Buddhist tantra religious systems. Buddhist Tantric texts began appearing in the Gupta Empire period though there are texts with elements associated with Tantra that can be seen as early as the third century. By the eighth century, Tantra was a dominant force in North India and the number of texts increased with numerous Tantric pandits writing .
The Five Wisdom Kings is the most important grouping of Wisdom Kings (Vidyaraja)

Buddhist deities – Conceptual and metaphoric refuge

Buddhism includes a wide array of divine beings that are venerated in various ritual and popular contexts. Initially they included mainly Indian figures such as devas, asuras and , but later came to include other Asian spirits and local gods. They range from enlightened Buddhas to regional spirits adopted by Buddhists or practiced on the margins of the religion. The Pali Canon and others suggest that the Buddha taught that belief in a Creator deity .

Interpreting Guhyasamaja

Guhyasamaja is also known as Akshobhyavajra. Guhyasamaja is also known as the foremost tutelary deity. Foremost tutelary deity is the Method-father class of . The life of Guhyasamaja In this portion, we are going to learn about the life of Guhyasamaja.after after the short etymological description of the word Guhyasamajaa itself, and finally, we will highlight the . Etymology of Guhyasamaja Guhyasamaja is known as Gsang ’dus rtsa rgyud in . Guhasamaja is one of the .

Interpreting Manjushri Namasangiti

Namasangiti is considered amongst the most advanced given by the . It represents the pinnacle of all , being a of the nondual class, along with the Tantra. The Viability of Manjushri Namasangiti In this section, we are going to learn about the viability of Manjushri Namasangiti. And after that, we will learn about the short etymological description of the word Manjushri Namasangiti itself. Etymology of Manjushri Namasangiti Manjushri Namasangiti is .

Explaining Vajrabhairava

with the consort Vetali surrounded by the main protectors of the Gelugpa School. Vajrabhairava is also called as . He is a meditational deity of the Classification of . As the supreme meditational deity of the Tradition Vajrabhairava is also looked upon as the Lord or . The life of Vajrabhairava In this section, we are going to learn about the life of Vajrabhairava, after the short etymological description of .

Explaining Siddha Virupa – The Lord of Yoga

Virupa is also known as Yogeshvara. Virupa is surrounded by students and lineage teachers. Siddha Virupa is especially known as the source of the system held by the school and is thus seen as the Indian founder of their lineage.  The life of Siddha Virupa In this section, we are going to learn about the life of Siddha Virupa, after te short etymological description of the word Siddha Virupa itself. Etymology of Siddha Virupa Virupa is known .