About Varahi

Varahi is one of the Matrikas, a group of seven mother goddesses in the Hindu religion. With the head of a sow, Varahi is the shakti of Varaha, the boar avatar of the god Vishnu. In Nepal, she is called Barahi.
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Interpreting Vajravarahi and 5 Deities Tibetan Painting

Vajravarahi, 5 Deity principal tutelary deity of the . The life of Vajravarahi In this portion, we are going to learn about the life of Vajrabarahi, after that the short description of the word Vajravarahi itself. Etymology of Vajravarahi Vajravarahi is known as Asrdo Rje Phag mo in . Vajravarahi is one of the most popular female deities in all traditions of . Earlier, we learn about the life of the Vajravarahi. Now, we .

The Vajravarahi Tantric Master

I found the story of Vajravarahi (Tibetan: Dorje Pakmo) very interesting and wish to share it here. She is another form of powerful female Vajrayogin. Vajravarahi is a Dakini & spiritual energy perceived to transmute the Five Negative Afflictions which represent five obstructions which obscure the true nature of the life & obstruct Buddhists as they seek illumination as they journey to enlightenment. In her form as Vajravarahi, when she is known as 'the  .
The goddess Saraswati

Hindu goddesses – The cosmic powers of the Vedas

Devī is the Sanskrit word for 'goddess'; the masculine form is deva. and deva mean 'heavenly, divine, anything of excellence', and are also gender-specific terms for a deity in . The concept and reverence for goddesses appears in the Vedas, which were composed around the 3rd millennium BCE. Goddesses such as , , , , , and have continued to be revered in the modern era. The medieval era Puranas witness a major .

Explaining Ganapati Thangka – the Great Red Lord of Hosts

Ganapati is one of the best-known and most worshipped deities in the pantheon. Ganapati is also known as the Great Red Lord of Hosts. Ganesh originated with Brahmanism (Vedism). In , there are two that mention Ganapati, and one with his “” () which can be chanted by anyone. In the sutra, says: Any son or daughter of high birth, whether or nun, lay brother or sister who undertakes any matter .

Interpreting Buddhist Invincible God Ajita

Ajita is the 2nd from the set of 16 great arhats. Ajita is known as ma Pham in , Sthavira Ajita in . The Life of the Ajita Ajita had all the signs of great virtue. He and the daughter of Prasenajit fell in and, even though he was a commoner, Ajita gradually proved his worthiness to the king and they were married. The explained that in a past life they had made .

Explaining Lama Teacher Jamgon Kongtrul

is known as Jamgon Kongtrul the Great, was a scholar, poet, , physician, terton, and polymath. He was one of the most prominent of the 19th century.  The life of the Jamgon Kongtrul In this portion, we will learn about the life of the  Jamgon Kongtrul. After that, we will present the short etymological description of the Jamgon Kongtrul itself. Etymology of Jamgon Kongtrul Jamgon Kongtrul is known as jam mgon kong sprul blo .
Lama Teacher - Shamarpa

Interpreting Lama Teacher – Shamarpa

who is also known as the red hat of the Kamtsangpa school, with  Vajravarahi above the black cloak . Depicting Lama Teacher - Shamarpa The life of Shamarpa In this portion, we are going to learn about the life of Shamarpa. Now, we are going to learn about the short etymological description of the word Shamarpa itself. Etymology of Shamarpa Shamarpa is known as zhwa dmar pa in . Shamarpa is also known as , .
Dorje Neljorma

Vajrayogini Dakini – Origin, Lineages and Iconography

is a deity who is also called as Vajravarahi in , or , a tradition in which she is considered the supreme deity more revered than any male . She represents the path leading to female . She is also a , a term that describes a female supernatural being or an accomplished , and is considered the queen of the dakinis. Her name comes from the , , which means “diamond” or “thunderbolt,” .

Adi Shakti Parvati – Mantra and incarnation

is a  goddess. She is the symbol of divine strength, power, , and productiveness. she is a daughter of the  Lord of the Mountains and queen Mena, as she was given a name "Parvati". Parvati is known as the mother goddess in . She is also known as Uma. She is also known as Adi-. She is called by different other names in Hindu such as , Goddess , Adi Parashakti, Shakti, , Sati, , , .