About Yama

Yama or Yamarāja is a god of death, the south direction, and the underworld, belonging to an early stratum of Rigvedic Hindu deities. In Sanskrit, his name can be interpreted to mean "twin". In the Zend-Avesta of Zoroastrianism, he is called "Yima".

Products related to Yama

Interpreting Yama Dharmaraja Thangka

is known as the protector of the cycle of . Dharmaraja is also known as Kalarupa. Yama Dharmaraja is a deity protector of the father class of . The Viability of Yama Dharmaraja In this section, we are going to learn about the Viability of the Yama Dharmaraja. After that, we will learn about the short etymological description of the word Yama Dharmaraja itself. Etymology of Yama Dharmaraja Yama Dharmaraja is also .
Tibetan (Citipati mask depicting Mahākāla

Dharmapalas – Defenders of the Justice

A dharmapāla is a type of wrathful god in Buddhism. The name means "dharma protector" in Sanskrit, and the dharmapālas are also known as the Defenders of the Justice (Dharma), or the Guardians of the Law. There are two kinds of , Worldly Guardians () and Wisdom Protectors (jnanapala). Only Wisdom Protectors are enlightened beings. In Vajrayana iconography and thangka depictions, dharmapala are fearsome beings, often with many heads, many hands, or many feet. Dharmapala .
Hand-Painted Bhavachakra Wheel of Life Tibetan Thangka Art

Bhavachakra: Wheel of Life in Tibetan Art

has also termed of becoming or the . The is the which represents the complex pictures of views of the . Buddhists believe that the existence of the cycle of our life, death, rebirth, and seeks to escape together as a whole. According to , the wheel of life is divided into five or six states or , into which a soul .

3rd Panchen Lama – Lobsang Dondrup

Gyalwa Ensapa Lobzang Dondrup is the pre-incarnation of the . Gyalwa Ensapa Lobzang Dondrup was a . He was posthumously recognized as the third Panchen . Gyalwa Ensapa Lobzang Dondrup was born in 1505 AD. Gyalwa Ensapa Lobzang Dondrup is known as the lama in life prior to being recognized as the . Life of Lobsang Dondru Lobsang Dondrup was known to have spent more than 20 years meditating in isolated .

All You need to know about Jivamukti Yoga

The method is a proprietary style of which is created by David Life and Sharon Gannon in 1984. Jivamukti is an ethical, physical, and that fuses vigorous yoga with adherence to five central tenets. Many celebrities follow this Yogic Style over . For spiritual, psychological, and physical growth, the fusion of five principles with is crucial. So this is obvious to experience an overall transformation in your .

Interpreting of Wheel of Life

is a symbolic representation of cyclic existence found on the outside walls of and in the Indo- region. This pictorial presents basic concepts such as and rebirth in a manner that can be understood by uneducated or illiterate people. Alternate translations for include the Buddhist , wheel of cyclic existence, wheel of becoming, etc. The Viability of of life In this .

Explaining Gelug Lineage of Tibetan Buddhism

The is the newest of the schools of . It was founded by a philosopher and . Gelug Lineage's field for the Accumulation of Merit with Tsongkapa at the Center is surrounded by the incarnation lineage above and with meditational deities, Confession , and protectors below. In the Gelug Tradition of Tibetan , there are numerous Field types distinguished both by the central figure .

Interpreting Panchen Lama

Lobzang Palden is known as the who was born in 1738 in Tashitse, Shang district, Tsang Province. is one of the most important figures in the tradition, with its spiritual authority second only to . The Viability of the Panchen In this portion, we are going to learn about the viability of the Panchen Lama. After that short etymological description of the word Panchen Lama itself, and finally .
Hevajra Mandala

Interpreting Enlightened Yidam Hevajra

is one of the main in or . Hevajra's consort is . The life of Hevajra In this section, we are going to learn about the life of Hevajra, after that we will learn the short etymological description of the word Hevajra itself. Etymology of Hevajra Hevajra is known as pal Gye pa dor JE lha Gu'i Khyil kor in . Earlier, we learn about the life of Hevajra. Now, we are going to learn .

Explaining Vajrabhairava

with the consort Vetali surrounded by the main protectors of the Gelugpa School. Vajrabhairava is also called as . He is a meditational deity of the Classification of . As the supreme meditational deity of the Tradition Vajrabhairava is also looked upon as the Lord or . The life of Vajrabhairava In this section, we are going to learn about the life of Vajrabhairava, after the short etymological description of .