The importance of self-understanding in managing excessive thinking

’s “Why Are We Here” talk at the Armadale Group delves into the importance of self-understanding in managing excessive thinking.

He advocates for pausing briefly to contemplate the origins of , emotions, and , leading to a deeper understanding and of the .

Furthermore, he highlights the significance of focusing on the Tantien or Chong energy center, located one inch below the navel, during breath meditation.

This focus area, where the energy flow is felt, generates of , friendliness, , or beauty in the breath.

Ajahn stresses the value of individual experimentation and the pursuit of long-term results in meditation practice.

Throughout the session, participants shared insights on the persistence of like and hate, contrasting them with the transient nature of love and joy.

Ajahn underscored the importance of acknowledging and understanding these emotions, especially those towards loved ones, as unresolved emotions can have enduring effects.

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