Transforming and naturally abiding Buddha nature

This retreat and Friday series of are based on the third volume of The Library of and series, , , and Nature, which was authored by His Holiness the and Venerable .

The exploration delves into various factors influencing the cultivation of a buddha-like state of . It scrutinizes the four types of beings whose buddha nature undergoes corruption, and ’s elucidation of this intrinsic . Additionally, it contemplates the emptiness inherent in both the defiled and purified minds, probing into the ultimate essence and its absence of inherent existence.

The further discerns the disparity between the mind ensnared in samsara and the liberated mind in nirvana, unraveling the repercussions of misguided on afflictions and actions. It scrutinizes the interplay between the innate buddha nature and its transformative counterpart, providing a comprehensive portrayal of the latter.

Central to this examination are the states of mental neutrality or virtue, as well as the seven distinct of awareness in relation to buddha nature. The discourse ultimately unveils the profound connection between buddha nature and the manifestation of buddha bodies.

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