All you need to know about Handmade Statue Finishing

All you need to know about Handmade Statue Finishing

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life is pleased to provide the service of altering the finishing of the statue, from various colors of oxidation to silver and gold plating services.

Chocolate color oxidation finishing

Statue of Eakjata

Statue of Eakjata

This oxidation is an emulation of copper aged more than 100 years. It is the process in which the statue is given artificial oxidation using chemicals. As the color has not been painted in the statue it does not wear off easily. This method is especially for people that do not like shiny or glossy finish in the statue. This patina which came from the statue by artificial oxidation process also protects the statue from oxidation.

This process is best for copper and brass products.

Dark chocolate color oxidation finishing

Dark chocolate color oxidation Shakyamuni Buddha Statue

Dark chocolate color oxidation Statue

The dark chocolate color appears mostly in copper statues when it is exposed, especially in a humid climate, or the places with frequent . The surface of copper can automatically change colors into pink, orange, red intertwined with yellow, and so on. With continuous exposure to moisture, the initial interference color will give a solid russet brown that is also called oxidation product. This russet brown patina protects the statue from natural oxidation.

This process is best for copper and brass products.

Brown chocolate color oxidation finishing

Brown chocolate color oxidation

Brown chocolate color oxidation

For high- statues, the statue is first polished and then made smooth by buffing then it is plated with copper giving it a smooth copper finish. After this process, it is oxidized which gives rich defined color. During oxidation, it gives a natural color that doesn’t wear off easily as it is not painted. This is best for the people who don’t like shiny or glossy finish. This process is -consuming and expensive.

This process is best for copper and brass products.

Oxidation with face paint


Face paint, which is commonly known as makeup. In some high-quality statues, oxidation paint is commonly used. Traditionally, face paint oxidation in a statue is done to give more definition to the statue. It gives a natural color that doesn’t wear off easily and is glossy and shiny in the face and matte colored in the area.

This process is best for copper and brass products

Double colored oxidation – dark

Double colored oxidation dark


Here, the statue is given two tons of oxidation so as to separate the important aspects of the statue. Commonly, the from the jewelry and clothes are separated in a statue. This oxidation is done both naturally and artificially. This adds a patina to the statue hence the color is permanent and will not wear off easily.

This process is best for copper and brass product.

Double Color Oxidation – Light

This process is done to separate two different models interconnected it each other or to separate the important aspects of the statue. Moreover, the color of clothes, jewelry, and 2in 1 connected statues are separated. Oxidation is done in such a way that the body of the statue is made different in color to dress and jewelry. Since this oxidation is a natural process so the color is permanent and doesn’t wear off.

This process is especially best for copper and brass.

Partly gold plated (face painted)

This is the method of partly gold plating or half gold plating of the statue. This is done by the gold plating method because of its own precision. This process is a traditional practice for the statue as they are more relevant to matching face tone along with gold plating. The clothes are then oxidized to a brown color representing . The face paint is done so that the eyes and mouth are well defined.

This process is specially done for Copper products.

Painted face with Extra gold

Ganesh Statue Ganesh Statue[/caption]

In this method, the statue is partly gold plated in the face so as to show eyes and mouth defined. Subsidiary gold is added on the bases, in the hand of deity, objects, and the scarfs of the deity excluding clothes.

This process is especially for Copper products.

Partly gold plated (Double color oxidation)


The statue is partly gold plated especially in the face to define eyes and mouth. After partly gold plating, the the statue is sent for double color oxidation to give its unique look.

This process is best for Copper products.

Full electro gold plated

It is the process of depositing a thin layer of gold in the surface of another metal especially copper, brass by electrochemical plating. This method is cheaper than fire gold plating. Though it has a shorter life span than fire gold plating if maintained properly it will not go dim. Also, a protective layer is added so that it lasts longer and gives a better shine.

This process is especially for copper products

Full electro gold plated (painted face)

Chenrezig Statue Full Electro Gold Plated with Painted Face

Statue Full Electro Gold Plated with Painted Face

It is the process of depositing a thin layer of gold on the surface of another metal by electrochemical plating. In this method, the face of the statue is painted gold so a to define the eye and mouth of the statue, which is commonly known as the eye-opening of the statue. And the body is painted according to the color of the natural deities.

This method is specially done for copper products.

Full electroplating face paint and body paint


It is a process of depositing a thin layer of gold on the surface of another metal by electrochemical plating. In this method, the face is painted gold so as to match the facial tone and to define the eyes and mouth. Similarly, the body of the statue is painted according to the color of the natural deity.

This method is specially done for copper products.

Full electro gold plating antique patina and painted face

Chenrezig Statue Copper Statue with Painted Face

Chenrezig Statue Copper Statue with Painted Face

It is the method of electrochemical plating so as to add a thin layer of gold in another metal. In this process, the face of the statue is plated with gold so as to give definition to the face and the body is painted with an antique patina to make the statue unique.

This method is specially done for copper products.

Full fire gold gliding

Statue of Shakyamuni Buddha

Statue of

This is a method of gold plating in which a of gold and mercury is applied to the surface of the statue and then it is heated by fire and the mercury will vaporize leaving gold plated on the surface. In this method, the gold gets attached to the surface permanently.

This method is specially done for copper products.

Full fire gold lining with a painted face

Statue of Shakyamuni Buddha with Painted Face

Statue of Shakyamuni Buddha with Painted Face

This method of gold plating is done by applying a mixture of gold and mercury to the surface of the metal and then heating it with fire. Then the mercury vaporizes by leaving gold plated on the surface. The face of the statue is painted with gold which is also traditionally called the opening of the eye.

This method is specially done for copper products.

Full fire gold gliding antique finishing

Tibetan Statue of Siddh Laxmi

Tibetan Statue of Siddh

This method of gold plating is done by applying a mixture of gold and mercury to the surface of the metal and then heating it with fire. Then the mercury vaporizes by leaving gold plated on the surface. Then the statue is then sent to antique finish to give the statue a unique and antique look.

This method is specially done for copper products.

Full fire gold gliding antique finish and painted face

Statue of Shakyamuni Buddha with Buddha Life Story Hand Carving

Statue of Shakyamuni Buddha with Story Hand Carving

This method of gold plating is done by applying a mixture of gold and mercury to the surface of the metal and then heating it with fire. Then the mercury vaporizes by leaving gold plated on the surface. The face of the statue is painted with gold which is also traditionally called the opening of the eye. Then the statue is then sent to antique finish to give the statue an antique look.

This method is specially done for copper products.

Silver-plated (Ver.1)

In this process, the statues are plated with silver by the process of Electroplating.

This method is specially done for silver products and brass.


In these types of statues finishing, the statue is plated with silver and then sent for double color oxidation.

This method is specially done for silver products and brass

Iron Plating

This method of iron plating is done by the process of electroplating to give statues the feel of old iron steel or metal. This is done for copper products.

Bronze Finishing

Due to the tackle factor of this bronze, this statue has become in . Also, this is one of the most popular finishing. Hence one of the people has mastered the of making copper statues look and feel like bronze. In this process, he uses all the organic material to make patina. This is even more permanent than oxidation. This method is specially done for Copper Product.

Thangka color finishing

Black Mahakala Statue Real Gold and Thangka Color

Black Statue Real Gold and Color

This is one of the unique statues in which an emulsion of color is used to paint the body of the statue making it resembles a . This method is specially done for Copper Product.

Antique finishing (Ver.1)

These statues are secretly made as there are no discussions about this finishing technique as it is kept secret for some reason.

This method is specially done for Copper Product

Antique finishing(Ver.2)

These statues are secretly made as there are no discussions about this finishing technique as it is kept secret for some reason.

This method is specially done for Copper Product

Antique Finishing (Ver.3)

These statues are secretly made as there are no discussions about this finishing technique as it is kept secret for some reason.

Antique Finishing (Ver.4)

These statues are secretly made as there are no discussions about this finishing technique as it is kept secret for some reason.

This also consists of some gold plating inside the finishing.

Antique Finishing (ver.5)

These statues are secretly made as there are no discussions about this finishing technique as it is kept secret for some reason.

This method is specially done for Copper Product

Copper Plating

Copper plating in a statue is done so that it covers ups all the brass welding that were made on the statue during the time of making the statue.

This method is specially done for Copper Product and brass.

Glossy finishing

Chenrezig Khercheri Avalokitesvara Statue Bronze finishing

Chenrezig Khercheri Avalokitesvara Statue Bronze finishing

In this type of metal finishing, the statue will go through natural oxidation in due time. This statue is used to buff up to smooth out the surface.

This method is specially done for Copper Product and Brass

Stone setting

Statue of Green Tara Stone Setting

Statue of Stone Setting

Stone setting is the collection of and statues made by Sand Casting System. In this stone finishing pieces of turquoise, corals, and lapis are cut and glued to the statue.

This method is specially done for Copper Product

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About sadiksha

Namaste! I am a Nepali Art Dealer specialized in Mandala and Thangka paintings. I love to write articles about the monastic culture of the Himalayas.

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