The 8 Stupas in Buddhism

The 8 in are different with each other and represents an important event in ’s life. In his Astamahasthanacaitya-stotras, connects the eight to specific events and places in the Buddha’s life.

, or Stupa (མཆོད་རྟེན་དཀར་པོ།) is an important monument in Buddhism, symbolizing Buddha’s presence. It also holds precious relics and sometimes even preserved bodies of renowned . believe that performing Koras of the monument is an act of high merit.

Eight Great Stupas:
– Birth Stupa (sku bltams mchod rten)
Stupa (byang chub mchod rten)
Stupa (cho ‘khor mchod rten)
– Great Miracle Stupa (cho ‘phrul gyi mchod rten)
– Stupa of the Descent from [Tushita] Heaven (lha bab mchod rten)
– Reconciliation Stupa (dbyen bsdum mchod rten)
– All-Victorious Stupa (rnam rgyal mchod rten)
(myang ‘das mchod rten)

The Lotus Blossom Stupa

Tib. Pepung Chorten

The birth of , afterwards known as the Buddha, is commemorated at Blossom Stupa. In the sixth century BCE, he was born in the Garden in Kapilavastu. The stupa’s stairs are circular and adorned with .

The Enlightenment Stupa

Tib. Jangchub Chorten

Siddhartha acquired enlightenment and learned the true of all things after sitting in for 49 days under a tree in Bodhgaya. He recognized that, like him, all beings had the same capacity for enlightenment, which he refers to as the ‘buddha nature.’ The stupa’s stairs are unadorned and rectangular.

The Stupa of Turning the Wheel of Dharma

Tib. Taschi Gomang Chorten

This stupa marks the beginning of the Buddha’s ‘turning of of the ,’ or people the path to enlightenment. The steps, also known as the Stupa of Many Gateways, are ornamented with doorways that represent the opening of the Dharma’s doors.

The Buddha met up with the five ascetics who had been his meditation partners on the banks of the Nairanjara River in the Deer Park at , near Banarase. They were his earliest disciples, and they were the first to receive his teachings.

The Great Miracle Stupa

Tib. Chotrul Chorten

This stupa represents the miracles performed by Buddha when he converted the “followers of wrong views” (non-Buddhist ) through his power of miracles. A person named Lisabi built this stupa in the Grove in .

The Stupa of the Descent from Tushita Heaven

Tib. Lhabab Chorten

Mayadevi, the Buddha’s mother, was reincarnated in the Tushita Heaven, a celestial place. To show his gratitude, the Buddha stayed with her for three months and taught her the road to enlightenment.

The Buddha’s return from the celestial to continue instructing the people of northern is symbolized by this stupa. In the middle of the four steps on each side of the stupa is a stairway.

The Stupa of Reconciliation

Tib. Yendum Chorten

This stupa symbolizes the Buddha’s reuniting of his monastic followers after they had become divided by disagreement. The steps are octagonal with eight corners and eight sides.

The All-Victorious Stupa

Tib. Namgyal Chorten

This stupa symbolizes the Buddha’s agreement to extend his life by three months, after one of his followers had pleaded with him not to pass away. The steps of the stupa are round.

The Parinirvana Stupa

Tib. Nyangde Chorten

This stupa marks the Buddha’s passing into , a state of true which is beyond death.

With his final words, the Buddha urged his followers to be diligent in their efforts to attain enlightenment. Lying on his right side and in a state of profound meditation, he left the world and passed into nirvana. There are no steps in this stupa, the vase rests directly on the .

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Namaste! I am a Nepali Art Dealer specialized in Mandala and Thangka paintings. I love to write articles about the monastic culture of the Himalayas.

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