About Dharma Wheel

Dharma Wheel is a symbol that has represented dharma, the Buddha's teaching of the path to enlightenment, since the early period of Indian Buddhism.
Venerable Thubten Chodron
Sravasti Abbey - US

Products related to Dharma Wheel

Dharmata – Attendant to the 16 Great Arhats

Dharmata is the Upasaka of Central Asian or Chinese origin and the layman attendant to the 16 Great . Dharmata is the of things as they are. Dharmata is the naked, unconditioned truth, the nature of reality, or the true nature of phenomenal existence. Dharmata is called the Upasaka. Dharmata is also known as  Ge yen ta in . Previously, we learned about the life of Dharmata. Now, we are going to learn about the .

The 8 Stupas in Buddhism

The 8 in are different with each other and represents an important event in 's life. In his Astamahasthanacaitya-stotras, connects the eight to specific events and places in the Buddha's life. , or Stupa (མཆོད་རྟེན་དཀར་པོ།) is an important monument in Buddhism, symbolizing Buddha’s presence. It also holds precious relics and sometimes even preserved bodies of renowned . believe that performing Koras of the monument is an .
1st Karmapa Dusum Khyenpa Thangka Painting

1st Karmapa Lama – Dusum Kyenpa

Dusum Khyenpa is known as the 1st . Dusum Khyenpa is the founder of the (Kamtsang) branch of the Tradition. Dusum Khyenpa was born in Kham He served as Abbot of after and founded the . He is becoming the seat of the incarnate Karmapa . Dusum Khyenpa was the founder of the school and of its three main : Kampo Nenang Gon in 1164, Karma Gon .

Sitatapatra – Goddess of the White Parasol

is known as a protector against supernatural danger in . She is venerated in both the and traditions. She is also known as Sitatapatra. Sitatapatra is a powerful independent deity emanated by from his Usnisa. Sitatapatra is known as   Dug Kar mo in . and Sitatapatra is also known as The , Crown Ornament of the in English. of Sitatapatra Sitatapatra is white in color with 1000 faces, .

Worldly Protector – Pehar Gyalpo

is known as the and the Daemon Pehar. Pehar Gyalpo is a non- protector who is invited to by and bound by an oath to protect all the centers. Pehar Gyalpo is a belonging to the Gyalpo class. Life of Pehar Gyalpo Pehar Gyalpo is the leader of a band of five and would later become the protector deity of in the .

Interpreting Indian Adept Avadhutipa – Maitripa

Avadhutipa is also known as Maitripa who is an important figure both in and . It is through him that and ’s crucial on nature, the Uttara , became widely followed in . He also transmitted the esoteric aspect of buddha nature, embodied in the , which treat the topic of in great detail and provide a wide range of progressive, highly-refined . The life of the Indian .

Interpreting Buddha of longevity – White Tara

is known as the female of . White , also called "the Mother of all Buddhas" is the perfect embodiment of graceful power, , and . As with Tara's expressions in the other five colors, the vibrations of white color express the specific energy of White Tara. The Viability of the White Tara In this portion, we are going to gab about the viability of the White Tara. After that, we will learn about .

Interpreting Buddhist Elder Gopaka

Gopaka is the Elders who are known as the 15th and 1st from the set of 16 great arhats. Gopaka is also called principal students of the . The Viability of the Gopaka In this portion, we are going to learn about the Viability of the Gopaka. After that, we are going to learn about the short etymological description of the word  Gopaka itself. Etymology of the Gopaka The meaning of Gopaka is ne ten, be .

Explaining Dipamkara Buddha

Dipamkara is known as the of the Previous Age, or the age prior to the of the historical Buddha who lived during the sixth century BCE. Dipamkara is often remembered as the buddha who predicted Shakyamuni’s future . The Viability of the Dipamkara Buddha In this portion, we are going to grab about the viability of the Dipamkara Buddha. After that, we will present the short etymological description of the Dipamkara Buddha itself. Etymology of .