In the Science Lab with Yongey Mingyur and Daniel Aitken
Wisdom Publications - Daniel Aitken

In the Science Lab with Yongey Mingyur and Daniel Aitken

This conversation between and delves into Yongey’s enlightening discussion with scientists regarding neuroplasticity and .

Historically, neuroscientists held the belief that the brain was immutable, yet the revelation of neuroplasticity challenges this notion.

Yongey draws parallels between this modern scientific concept and , highlighting the similarities between the ’s , , and Nadis, and the functions of neurons and neurotransmitters.

He also identifies an energetic component in the brain akin to Prana.

Through this discourse, Yongey underscores the transformative potential of meditation, optimism to those facing innate unhappiness by elucidating the principles of neuroplasticity.

The exchange serves to bridge the gap between scientific discovery and spiritual , advocating for the power of in reshaping one’s neural pathways and ultimately fostering personal growth and contentment.


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