About Buddha

Buddha is Enlighted one. Life of Buddha begins in Lumbini, Nepal, about 2,600 years ago, where the man Siddharta Gautama was born. Buddha is the founder of Buddhism.

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32 Physical characteristics of the Buddha

attained almost two thousand and five hundred years ago. Those who lived during the era of the 's end did not have the opportunity to see his golden face and physical characteristics up close. The main characteristics that were visible at first glance and the secondary characteristics invisible but which aroused in every man sympathy and the pleasure. It is mentioned in the canonical texts that Buddha has thirty-two main characteristics and eighty .
Akshobhya and Shakyamuni Buddha

Akshobhya and Shakyamuni Buddha Comparisons

and are both important figures in . Both are considered to be Buddhas who have achieved and are revered as teachers of the . The main similarity between Buddha and Akshobhya Buddha is that they both represent the same core of Buddhism. They both emphasize the importance of , , and in achieving enlightenment. Upon initial inspection, Shakyamuni Buddha and Akshobhya Buddha may appear to be alike; .

Top 100 quotes by Buddha

Prince was born in the 5th or 6th Century BC in . In his 20s, the prince experienced realities of the outside world that led him on a quest for . He left the palace to search for it and eventually attained enlightenment. It was then that he became . Until he died at the age of 80, Buddha taught many people how to achieve enlightenment. His doctrines eventually became what is known .

The Amitabha Buddha Mantra Banner

In , a form of East Asian , is the most important . Amitabha is distinguished in for his , which attracts Western characteristics such as discernment, pure , and of the aggregates, as well as a deep awareness of the emptiness of all occurrences. Who is ? Amitabha Buddha is also known as Buddha. According to , Amitabha Buddha is a celestial buddha. Amitabha Buddha The .
The Maitreya Buddha Mantra Banner

The Maitreya Buddha Mantra Banner

is the first to have a cult built around him, and he is attested in writings dating back to the third century CE. He was accepted by all schools of , and the tradition today honors him as the lone bodhisattva. Who is ? Maitreya is regarded as the world's future Buddha who has yet to come down from the sky. Maitreya is derived from the word "Maitri," which meaning .
Shakyamuni buddha Thangka

Shakyamuni Buddha Mantra and Chants

Siddhartha Guatama , also often referred to as Sakyamuni, was a spiritual teacher upon whose lessons the foundations for were formed. He is regarded as the Supreme Buddha and is the first individual to be visualized. Despite some confusion from those who do not follow Buddhism, it is important to note that the Buddha was not considered to be a . He was rather a mere human, like the rest of us, who was .

The power of all Buddhas – Vajrapani Krodha

Krodha has five according to a lineage. Vajrapani Krodha is known as a wrathful meditational deity. Vajrapani Krodh is representing the power of all . The reverse of the of Krodha Vajrapani is decorated with a drawing of a to represent the of all ones. Each of the figures of human teachers and is mar marked with the three letters, ' ah hum', representing the  .
Sambhogakaya Buddha

Buddha of luminous Light – Sambhogakaya

refers to the luminous form of clear light. The practitioner attains upon reaching the highest dimensions of practice. According to tradition, those skilled in , such as advanced and , as well as other highly realized Buddhists, may gain access to the Sambhogakaya and receive direct transmission of doctrine. Life of Sambhogakaya In this section, we are going to learn about the life of Sambhogakaya, after that, the short etymological description of .

Simhamukha Yogini The Female Tantric Buddha

is a tutelary deity arising out of the Chakrasamvara cycle of and belongs to the '' classification. Simhamukha is known as a and the female . Simhamukha is the 8th Century . Life of Simhamukha Yogini In this section, we are going to learn about the life of Simhamukha, after that, the short etymological description of the word Simhamukha itself. Simhamukha is the founder of the sarma school. She is also one .

Interpreting Buddha of longevity – White Tara

is known as the female of . White , also called "the Mother of all Buddhas" is the perfect embodiment of graceful power, , and . As with Tara's expressions in the other five colors, the vibrations of white color express the specific energy of White Tara. The Viability of the White Tara In this portion, we are going to gab about the viability of the White Tara. After that, we will learn about .