About Hatred

From a Dharma perspective, hatred is a destructive mental state stemming from ignorance and aversion. It arises when we perceive others or situations as threats to our desires or sense of self. Hatred clouds judgment and perpetuates suffering, leading to harmful actions and negative karma. Through mindfulness and understanding, we recognize the interconnectedness of all beings, cultivating compassion and forgiveness to overcome hatred. By letting go of attachment to self and embracing loving-kindness, we dissolve the barriers of animosity, fostering harmony and inner peace.

Products related to Hatred

Hand-Painted Bhavachakra Wheel of Life Tibetan Thangka Art

Bhavachakra: Wheel of Life in Tibetan Art

has also termed of becoming or the . The is the which represents the complex pictures of views of the . Buddhists believe that the existence of the cycle of our life, death, rebirth, and seeks to escape together as a whole. According to , the wheel of life is divided into five or six states or , into which a soul .

Top 100 quotes by Buddha

Prince was born in the 5th or 6th Century BC in . In his 20s, the prince experienced realities of the outside world that led him on a quest for . He left the palace to search for it and eventually attained enlightenment. It was then that he became . Until he died at the age of 80, Buddha taught many people how to achieve enlightenment. His doctrines eventually became what is known .

The White Tara Mantra Banner

Tare Tuttare Ture Mama Ayur Pune Gyana Puntin Kuru Swoha is the supreme mother and collective manifestation of all the ' activity, as well as the female of compassionate activity. She is claimed to be able to see all of and respond to pleas for assistance. Her yogic practice enhances wellness and helps people live longer lives. The is Om Tare Tuttare Ture Mama Ayur Pune Gyana .

The Vajrasattva Mantra Banner

HUM. The Vajrasattva represents primordial . We can clean our of , , and delusion by meditating on him. He carries a thunderbolt in his heart, which signifies his upaya, or talent in liberating via . Who is Vajrasattva? Vajrasattva is a significant figure in the of the Valley's . He is commonly invoked in the maala, which is the fundamental for all other  .
Black Mahakala Statue Real Gold and Thangka Color

All about Wisdom Protector – Mahakala

is a male deity. He is the protector deity known as a in , especially most traditions, in Tangmi and in Japanese Esoteric . Maha literally translates as great and Kala signifies or death, hence Mahakala means "beyond the time" or "Great Black One". Mahakala is a protector deity and specifically the primary Protector of and . In some cases, Mahakala can also be a meditational .
Shakyamuni buddha Thangka

Shakyamuni Buddha Mantra and Chants

Siddhartha Guatama , also often referred to as Sakyamuni, was a spiritual teacher upon whose lessons the foundations for were formed. He is regarded as the Supreme Buddha and is the first individual to be visualized. Despite some confusion from those who do not follow Buddhism, it is important to note that the Buddha was not considered to be a . He was rather a mere human, like the rest of us, who was .

Interpreting Mirror Like Wisdome – Buddha Akshobhya

In , is one of the Five who is known as a product of the Adibuddha, and also represents as an aspect of reality. By convention, is established in the east of the Diamond Realm and is the lord of the Eastern Abhirati although the Pure Land of Akshobhya's western counterpart is far better known. His consort is Locana and he is also normally accompanied .

35 Buddhas of confession

The are known from the of the Three Heaps, popular in .  35 Confession Prayer This confession prayer is very well known in the tradition. Among English-speaking followers, it is commonly referred to as the “Thirty-five Buddhas Confession Prayer.” The Thirty-five Buddhas are special confession buddhas who, while , made special to assist others to overcome their negativities. Its actual title is the Sutra of Three .

Akong Tulku Rinpoche

Choje Akong was a unique figure in the recent .  Along with Chogyam Trungpa, he founded in Scotland, the first in the West.  When left for America it was who oversaw the of the and monastic complex at which has grown into one of the foremost Centres of and practice in Europe. Early Life of Akong .

The Dark Armies of the Dharma

Avalokitesvara, the Lord of , gazes out across the world, his white radiance soothing the of living beings. With one pair of hands, he clasps to his heart the wish-fulfilling gem of his to eradicate the world's pain. In his upper left hand, he holds of spiritual receptivity, the to leave the mud of and reach up toward the of true . Above his head, we sense .