About Shadow

In various contexts, "shadow" refers to the areas receiving little or no light, creating contrast with illuminated parts. In Dharma, it signifies hidden or repressed aspects of the self that must be integrated for personal growth. In art, shadows add depth, dimension, and realism, depicting light effects to create a sense of volume. In architecture, shadows enhance aesthetics, energy efficiency, and comfort by highlighting features, creating engaging spaces, and providing natural cooling.

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Itum Bahal temple

Itum Bahal and the Legend of the Demon Guru Mapa

There are innumerable in where are passed on from one generation to the next. The presence of many , , and Bahals ( courtyards) made as one of the centers of since the ancient . Some of the breathtaking and majestic sites are still fully functioning, while others are remnants of the ancient city’s glorious past. Itum Bahal (Shree Bhaskar Deva Sanskarit Kesh Krit .

Top 100 quotes by Buddha

Prince was born in the 5th or 6th Century BC in . In his 20s, the prince experienced realities of the outside world that led him on a quest for . He left the palace to search for it and eventually attained enlightenment. It was then that he became . Until he died at the age of 80, Buddha taught many people how to achieve enlightenment. His doctrines eventually became what is known .

Lion Faced Dakini – Singhamukha Yogini

Lion-faced is a secret form of also has a relationship to Troma and the practice of . She is appropriate for clearing obstacles of the most pervasive and malignant kind and cutting through the “” of . This practice has been important in since the of . PeGyal Lingpa received this revelation directly from , appearing in a red-black form, instead of the more common dark blue .

Shading, Colouring and Grading of Thangkas and Mandalas

Another main step is to apply washes for and gradual transitions of tone. Shading is called  in which is one of the special feature of . Shading is an important feature of , taking up a large portion of the , and is done very carefully and precisely. Shading in this context does not mean the treatment of light and within the whole , for the distribution of light and dark is .

Top 45 Heart Advice – The Tree of Wisdom by Nagarjuna

consider to be a "." His development of the doctrine of sunyata, or emptiness, was a significant milestone in Buddhist . However, little is known about his life. It is believed Nagarjuna was born into a Brahmin family in south , possibly in the latter part of the 2nd century, and he was ordained as a in his youth. Most of the other details of his life have been lost in the .

About 8 Auspicious Symbols in Buddhism – Ashtamangala

The eight are called as in and bkra-shis rtags-brgyad in . These are the most well-known group of and are traditionally listed in the order of: A A A A A right-spiraling white An or ‘’ A A 8 Auspicious of Early Originally the eight auspicious symbols formed an early .

All about Buddhist Tattoo – Symbols and Meaning

is the representations of , , and deities. In the present context, lover to have a tattoo of , , Zambala, eight spokes, , , and so on. are meant to replicate the of this great and mentor. The are not necessarily preferred by only the followers of , but a large number of people who believe in the ultimate truth of life, .

The Origin Of Yoga

The basic problem of every living creature is survival in a hostile world. Countless generations ago, from the teeming human masses of the East, where the man lived in ever-present dread of famine, disease, flood, invasion, and vengeance of the , , a system or method of attaining physical and mental serenity under adverse and even horrible conditions, was introduced. Man, in his , has changed little in the course of historical time. The  .


After reading THE ’S WAY OF VIRTUE we will go through "The Twin Truths". For the proper understanding of , these opening stanzas are all-important. One of the Buddha's key-thoughts was what modern psychologists call the "law of apperception": the value of things depends upon our attitude to them. Part of Gautama's of reform was a "transvaluation of values," a shifting of emphasis; and, like the Stoics, he taught the indifference of the things .

The Buddha’s Way of Virtue

Introduction The was accepted at the Council of Asoka in 240 B.C. as a collection of the sayings of Gautama, yet it was not put into writing until some generations had passed, and probably contains accretions of later date. However that may be, there is no doubt that it breathes the very of the Teacher, and it has always been used in lands as a handbook of "devotion" or , in whose solemn .