Tips on When to do Meditation

Research has shown that has many mental and physical benefits. Among other things, it may help reduce stress, enhance concentration, improve sleep, manage pain, and lower blood pressure. Daily meditation practice is ideal for reaping these rewards. In addition, brief mini-meditations can be done as needed throughout the day whenever you want to your mind and relax your body.

First thing in the morning

Recommended for: daily meditation practice

Laura Maciuika, EdD, the clinical psychologist and author of Conscious Calm: Keys to from Stress and Worry: Your routine first thing in the sets the tone for the entire day. Before breakfast is generally a good time to meditate. But for beginners, especially folks who are feeling stressed out, meditating at all can be daunting. In that case, I recommend simply putting your attention on slower, deeper breathing—even for just five minutes—early in the day before getting busy with anything.

Whenever you’re stressed

Recommended for: as-needed mini-meditation

Stacey Shipman, MEd, stress management specialist, yoga teacher: Throughout the day, it’s helpful to meditate for a few minutes whenever you feel overwhelmed or pressed for time. Meditation can help you settle your mind, feel more relaxed, and think clearly about an appropriate next step or action. It sounds counterintuitive (“I don’t have time to meditate, I have so much to do!”). But it’s often the thought of having too much to do rather than actually having too much to do that can create the stress. Meditation can help you feel better and less overwhelmed.

On your lunch hour

Recommended for: daily meditation practice or as-needed mini-meditation

Stacey Shipman: A midday meditation break has a number of potential benefits. It’s an effective way to de-stress after a long meeting or difficult conversation. It can relax tight muscles caused by sitting slumped over a computer. By breaking your normal cycle of thinking, it can also boost focus, creativity, and productivity. Plus, it can be a great awareness building tool, allowing you to be more open-minded and accepting of others.

End of your workday

Recommended for: daily meditation practice

Laura Maciuika: For some people, meditating at the end of the workday is the perfect way to create a natural boundary between and the rest of life. For beginners or people who find meditation intimidating, using the breath to re-center then can work really well. It’s the intention to create a clear boundary that’s powerful. What you don’t want is to allow work thoughts to run into the evening so that you’re neither still at work nor really fully at home. You can miss out on life that way!

Right before bedtime

Not recommended

Laura Maciuika: Avoid meditating too close to bedtime so that doesn’t become confused with relaxing into sleep. In meditation, we’re practicing the opposite—falling more fully awake. Usually, it’s best to have an hour between meditation and sleep so that those two things stay clearly separate in your awareness, your body, and your habits.

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About sadiksha

Namaste! I am a Nepali Art Dealer specialized in Mandala and Thangka paintings. I love to write articles about the monastic culture of the Himalayas.

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