The Ratnasambhava Mantra Banner
Ratnasambhava is the yellow Buddha of the southern quarter. His name means “jewel born”. His emblem is the Ratna jewel, symbolizing the Bodhicitta, the highest value of the Buddhist. The mantra is om Ratnasambhava tram..
Who is Ratnasambhava?

Ratnasambhava is one of Mahayana and Vajrayana or Tantric Buddhism’s Five Dhyani Buddhas (or “Five Meditation Buddhas”).
Ratnasambhava Mantra
The mantra of Ratnasambhava is om Ratnasambhava tram.
Siddham Mantra of Ratnasambhava

Tibetan Uchen Mantra of Ratnasambhava

om ra tna Sam bha va tram
om Ratnasambhava tram
What is the meaning of Ratnasambhava Mantra?
Ratnasambhava mantras are used to cultivate equanimity and equality and are related to the quest to eradicate greed and pride in Vajrayana Buddhist doctrine. Mamaki is his consort, and he rides a horse or a pair of lions. Ratnashambhava can transform his greed and pride into wisdom of sameness.
What are the benefits of the Ratnasambhava Mantra?
Ratnasambhava mantra transforms your mind into a never-ending source of wealth.