How to Cultivate Loving-Kindness with Eddie Peet
Thubten Norbu Ling - Santa Fe

How to Cultivate Loving-Kindness with Eddie Peet

In this talk leads us through a transformative practice centered on and .

Beginning with a aimed at relaxing the and , Eddie encourages practitioners to envision the presence of , , loved ones, and even difficult relationships.

He then guides them through reciting refuge prayers to foster , the aspiration for to benefit all sentient beings.

Transitioning to the Four Immeasurables or the Four Boundless , Eddie elucidates how these thoughts are cultivated through listening to the and aspiring to become Buddhas.

Practitioners visualize lights and nectar emanating from the Buddha’s heart, dispelling obstacles and revealing virtuous qualities.

The prayer encompasses a wish for universal , from , and the attainment of equanimity.

Throughout the session, Eddie underscores the importance of impartiality in cultivating loving-kindness and , urging practitioners to transcend biases and recognize the shared for happiness among all beings.

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3


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