Upāsikā Viveka on death without stress
Buddhist Society of Western Australia

Upāsikā Viveka on death without stress

In this talk Upasika Viveka, an advanced practitioner and disciple of , shares profound insights on preparing for a and content death.

Drawing from personal experiences and reflections, she highlights the transformative impact of practicing Dharma on facing death with equanimity.

Upasika Viveka emphasizes the importance of acknowledging death as a part of life and reducing surrounding it.

Through ethical conduct and mental , she advocates for a positive approach to death preparation, citing the contrasting experiences of her friend and mother.

She guides practitioners through , fostering gratitude and encouraging self-reflection and cherishing happy memories while letting go of regrets.

Her underscore the significance of preparation for a good death and its ripple effects on those left behind. Through her compassionate guidance, Upasika Viveka offers a beacon of hope amidst the inevitability of mortality, inspiring practitioners to embrace life’s with and grace.


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