Buddhistdoor Global (BDG)
Venerable Thubten Chodron

Akong Tulku Rinpoche

Choje Akong was a unique figure in the recent .  Along with Chogyam Trungpa, he founded in Scotland, the first in the West.  When left for America it was who oversaw the of the and monastic complex at which has grown into one of the foremost Centres of and practice in Europe. Early Life of Akong .

Shamarpa – Emanation of Amitabha

was the emanation of , the of Limitless Light: a living example of the appearance of Amitabha in our world in the form of a Mahabodhisattva. The title of Shamar means “the of the ruby-red crown”, named after the replica of the ’s own crown which he bestowed on the . The successive incarnations of the Shamarpas are also known as the “Red Hat Karmapa”. Birth and Early life The 14th Shamarpa was born .

The Nyingma Head, Kathok Getse Rinpoche

Gyurme Tenpa Gyaltsen aka the Fourth Katok Getse was one of the five ‘’Golden ’’ holders of the lineage, a branch of the tradition. At the Nyingma Monlam in Bodhgaya, January 2018, Rinpoche was appointed to be the supreme head of the Nyingma Tradition for three years. At the same meeting of the representatives of the , it was decided to appoint and five other Nyingma  .

Shar Minub Monastery Kathmandu Nepal

is located in the , in a valley at the base of . The is founded by the late 14th . He made great efforts to establish a monastery at Shar Minub, in Kathmandu, for the benefit of students in . The Sharminub Institute is located below the holy mountain with a beautiful view over the Kathmandu valley. Meaning of Shar Minub "Shar" means "to rise", "Nub" means "to set", and .