About Buttermilk

Buttermilk is a dairy drink. Originally, buttermilk was the liquid left behind after churning butter out of cultured cream. This type of buttermilk is now specifically referred to as traditional buttermilk and the fermented dairy product is known as cultured buttermilk.

Prevention of rLungs Diseases by Tibetan method

is very basically associated with the and energy from the perspective. Many of the illnesses classified as “psychosomatic” in the West have a strong rLung character. Although wind is generally cool and is therefore related to “cold” diseases, its flexibility is also capable of fanning the . As a result, it is a contributing factor to many illnesses. Although the bodily energies are always present in the entire , the main location of .
Preparation and Application in Tibetan Art

Techiques of Paint Preparation and Application in Tibetan Art

After cleaning the pigment it had only to be mixed with the to become paint. For blending a pigment and binder you can simply mix it. Paint preparation can take a full day to prepare the five primary colors. Traditionally, the materials included a variety of mineral and vegetable substances minerals, precious stones, bark, leaves, flowers (especially the rock rose), gold, silver, copper, etc. Each had to be collected from its source in different areas of .

The Preparation of the Thangka Painting Surface

Steps for Preparing a Thanka The of pursued their in an orderly and systematic I way. When creating they proceeded through six clearly defined steps: The first step was the preparation of the . Second, came the establishment of a on that surface by means of a sketch or transfer. The third step involved laying down the initial coats of paint, and that was followed by .