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Buddhist Times - IN

Products related to Tibetan monastery

Bokar Monastery, Mirik, India

10 Buddhist Monastery around Kathmandu

started after the birth of Lord , the founder of himself. was born in , at the Kingdom of Kapilbasthu as a Prince nearly around 500BC. He then left the palace in search of . Gradually, after his enlightenment, Buddhism became a presiding in the northern areas of the country. also started growing in mostly the central part of Nepal. Ethnic groups from .
Buy Online Shakyamuni Buddha Thangka

Categories of Mandala

, a word that means a and represents the wholeness. are recognized generally by concentric circles and probably many other geometric figures. Mandalas are the most admired and discussed symbol in . These are the geometric designs intended to symbolize the , and the link is made to their use in and practices. The word mandala has two parts. The root word is Manda and -la is a suffix .