Applique Thangka of Vajrapani
The applique thangka of vajrapani is created using hundreds of hand-cut and embroidered pieces of satin and brocade silk, stitched together with Mongolian horsetail.
This applique is handmade by following traditional methods of strictly adhering to the proportions of deities as they are laid down in Buddhist scripture.
About the Applique
Vajrapani is revered as the embodiment of power and the keeper of the Buddha’s tantric teachings. He was given the mission of vanquishing a monster known as Nagpo Tsalak in a period out of mind, and he was given the moniker Conqueror of the Four Quarters, which literally means “Conqueror of the Four Quarters.” He also swore at the time to uphold the teachings of the thousand buddhas for the rest of the eon. He is claimed to have several pure areas, which are only accessible to those who know the paths to them. Chang Lo Chen in Tibetan, or Adakavati in Sanskrit, is the name of the realm where he is claimed to reside.
His dark blue color implies that he is absorbed in the happy Truth Body, or Dharmakaya, at all times. Although he looks to be a vengeful deity, his wrath is actually directed at people who seek to destroy the dharma. The knowledge that is the essence of the Buddha’s teachings is symbolized by the vajra he holds in his right hand.
Vajrapani applique Thangka Making Process gallery