Trikonasana- Modern yoga Triangle Pose

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Trikonasana or Utthita Trikonasana is known as Triangle Pose is a standing in as exercise. Variations include Baddha Trikonasana and Parivrtta Trikonasana. Trikonasana is a standing that requires strength, balance, and flexibility.

In this posture, both arms extend with the legs spread apart and one foot turned at a 90-degree angle. The upper bends toward the lead foot so that one arm reaches toward but not necessarily touching, the , and the other toward the sky. The term comes from the , meaning “three corners” or “triangle,” and asana, meaning “posture”.

In addition to a range of physical benefits, trikonasana is believed to unblock energy pathways in the body. It is one of the basic poses common to the many styles of .

Origin of Trikonasana(Triangle Pose)

The pose trikonasana is first described in the 20th century. Trikonasana Pose is appearing in the of Tirumalai Krishnamacharya including his 1934 book and in the of his students.

How to do the Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)

Some of the steps of doing Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) are given below:

  • Stand straight, separate your feet comfortably wide apart (about 31/2 to 4 feet).
  • Turn your right foot out 90 degrees and left foot in by 15 degrees.
  • Now align the center of your right heel with the center of your arch of the left foot.
  • Ensure that your feet are pressing the ground and the weight of your body is equally balanced on both the feet.
  • Inhale deeply and as you exhale, bend your body to the right, downward from the hips, keeping the waist straight, allowing your left hand to come up in the while your right hand comes down towards the floor. Keep both arms in a straight line.
  • Rest your right hand on your shin, ankle, or the floor outside your right foot, whatever is possible without distorting the sides of the waist. Stretch your left arm toward the ceiling, in line with the tops of your shoulders. Keep your head in a neutral position or turn it to the left, eyes gazing softly at the left palm.
  • Ascertain that your body is bent sideways and not backward or forward. The pelvis and chest are wide open.
  • Stretch the maximum and be steady. Keep taking in long deep breaths. With each , relax the body more and more. Just be with the body and the breath.
  • As you inhale, come up, bring your arms down to your sides, and straighten your feet.
  • Repeat the same on the other side.

Tips to do Trikonasana(Triangle Pose)

Some of the tips of doing Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) are given below:

  • Make sure you have done a good warm-up exercise of the whole body before you do the asana.
  • While bending forward do it slowly and gently so as not to lose balance.

Benefits of Doing Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)

Some of the benefits of doing Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) are given below:

Expands the side waist

The first benefit of doing Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) is to expand the side waist.  The side waist is often neglected by many of us and the triangle pose effectively opens the sides of the waist. Chronically, a tight side waist leads to issues as well as pain and discomfort.

Trikonasana offers a deep stretch to the side waist and opens it up for the practitioners as this area of the body normally gets neglected by many.

Open the Hips

The second benefit of doing Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) is to open the hips. The forward bend and backward bend yoga postures effectively open up the glutes and hip flexors. However, many of us have completely forgotten the side muscles of our body including the hip.

The side hip muscles tighten up during cycling, running, and walking. The triangle pose is highly important for each and everyone who uses their lower body area too much in the day-to-day activities. It effectively opens up the side hips.

Helps in External Rotation of the legs

The third benefit of doing Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) helps in the external rotation of the legs. External rotation of the legs is very important. it through a regular practice of triangle pose.

Many of us stand with our legs internally rotated, and external rotation is crucial for strengthening the legs, pelvis, and building balance in the lower body. An added bonus for the avid yoga practitioners, consistent practice of Trikonasana teaches you external rotation and prepares you for the advanced yoga postures.

Opens the heart

The fourth benefit of doing Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) is opening the heart. Some of the most adorable benefits of Trikonasana are evident in the fact that Triangle pose is a gentle heart-opening yoga asana. If you practice the pose with correct alignment then you will be rotating your chest upward while creating an arch in the back that subtly opens up the heart and upper body.

Strengthens the core muscles

The fifth benefit of doing Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) is strengthened the core muscles. If you practice triangle pose with precision and true to its tradition then it shall surely benefit your core. The pose encourages the usage of the abdominal and back muscles for creating a balance.

The use of the core for holding the body up builds strength and stamina in the core muscles.

Lengthens the back

The sixth benefit of doing Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) lengthens the back. The rigors of everyday weaken the back. A triangle pose effectively stretches the back muscles.

Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) makes it strong, supple, and saves you from the detrimental effects of arthritis and backache.

Heals the Internal Organs

The seventh and the last benefit of doing Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) heals the internal organs. The twisting of the body in the Trikonasana massages the internal organs enhances their ability to get rid of the toxin and sets them for optimal functioning ensuring complete health of the body.

Precautions for Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)

Some of the tips of doing Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) are given below:

  • Don’t overstretch the body while practicing this asana as it may cause unnecessary pain or injury.
  • If the neck begins to hurt in the upward direction, slightly lower it.
  • Avoid practicing this asana in case of severe pain in the neck, back, or shoulders.
  • People from any of these conditions should avoid practicing this asana: any kind of injury in the knee, arthritis, vertigo, spinal disorders, high blood pressure, breathing trouble, migraine, heart problem, or cervical spondylitis.

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