About Karen Greenspan

Karen Greenspan is a New York City-based dance writer, contributing to Natural History Magazine and Ballet Review. Specializing in contemporary and traditional dance, she explores movement expressions worldwide. From her childhood exposure to international folk dances with her mother, she developed a lifelong passion for movement. After earning a BFA in dance from North Carolina School of the Arts, she worked with modern dance companies and later developed a creative movement curriculum for NYC schools. Writing about dance allows her to relive and share her experiences endlessly.
Karen Greenspan is a New York City-based dance writer, contributing to Natural History Magazine and Ballet Review. Specializing in contemporary and traditional dance, she explores movement expressions worldwide. From her childhood exposure to international folk dances with her mother, she developed a lifelong passion for movement. After earning a BFA in dance from North Carolina School of the Arts, she worked with modern dance companies and later developed a creative movement curriculum for NYC schools. Writing about dance allows her to relive and share her experiences endlessly.
The Art of cultivating stillness

The Art of cultivating stillness

In Asian and movement practices, stillness is not just the absence of movement, it is seen as a powerful presence that infuses movement with depth and significance. An integral part of the movement It is truly captivating when , Noh actor, bugaku dancers or Balinese dancers pause in their performances because the stillness they exhibit is an integral part of the movement itself. This can be observed in Japanese Noh actors and Sufi dervishes .
Amitabha Buddha Buddhist Thangka Painting

The enigmatic blend of rationality and devotion in Buddhism

At first, appears to be an enigma. On the one hand, it is highly logical and rational, without any dogmatic beliefs. On the other hand, when we come into contact with its , we find that it includes , doctrines beyond our understanding, and a program of training that emphasizes faith and discourages doubt. Empirical approach vs spiritual viewpoint When we attempt to understand our own bond with the Dhamma, we eventually face .

Cultivating inner enlightenment potential through the Tathāgatagarbha

Within the realm of , the of the are not confined to esoteric doctrines and spiritual ideals but are, in fact, deeply rooted in profound insights into the nature of existence and the human condition. One such exploration is found in the and the teachings from the book ", , and " derived from it. This book stands as the third volume in The Library of and .

Origin of Yoga and its connection with Buddhism

Nowadays, you can find classes in nearly every city, and there are numerous online platforms that facilitate practicing yoga at home. Yoga involves a combination of physical postures and breath , which can be either static or flowing, slow or fast. Historical origins of Yoga It is essential to understand the core and purpose of yoga and its historical origins. This offers valuable insights into the cultural context during which the lived and .

108 Verses Praising Great Compassion By Lama Lobsang Tayang

This translation of 108 Verses Praising is of the renowned Lobsang Tayang's . He was a highly esteemed interpreter of the Gelugpa tradition, and his writings cover a wide range of literature, , logic and . About Lama Lobsang Tayang was born in 1867 in the Gobi desert, was renowned for his vast of . He was compared to the Indian pandit Ashvagosha, author of the “50 Verses .
Lung-gom-pa runner

The Tibetan Lung-gom-pa runners

is an esoteric skill in that is believed to enable practitioners to run for extended periods of without tiring. This technique is similar to those used by Kaihōgyō in and practitioners of Shugendō. Like so much about , Lung-gom-pa running remains something of an enigma. through physical endurance Lung-gom-pa, also known as " marathon runners," is a form of spiritual training within Tibetan . This practice involves intensive spiritual training, .
Dalai Lama speaking on the first day of his teaching on Chandrakirti 2022

The Dalai Lama’s views on the Madhyamaka

This article is about the 's on the The  also referred as "". It is based on the belief that all things are interconnected and interdependent, and that therefore no one thing can be considered in isolation. The Dalai 's views on the "Middle Way" This article discusses the Dalai Lama's views on the Middle Way Approach, a which advocates for a balanced and moderate approach to life. While addressing the congregation at the .

Tibetan Mandala tantric practices & benefits

practices are used to cultivate and generate energy, and to bring about transformation and . Tibetan Mandala as a can be created with a variety of materials commonly including sand, paint or fabric (appliqué). According to the Tibetan the mandala is a tool for working with the energies of the cosmos including : the bodythe mindthe In other words, the mandala can help control inner by accessing and channeling .

Muktinath and the Muktikshetra in Mustang

The holy from Gandaki river gushing out of the 108 water spouts are said to cleanse the devotees of their sins and set them on a path to salvation. The waters are to as well and it’s called '' in language meaning "a hundred springs". The Muktinath pilgrimage The are believed to be terrestrial dwelling place of saints and the home of the . The Muktinath situated at an .