About Lamdre

Lamdré is a meditative system in Tibetan Buddhism rooted in the view that the result of its practice is contained within the path. The name "lamdré" means the “path" with its fruit Wylie: ‘bras ). In Tibet, the lamdré teachings are considered the summum bonum of the Sakya school.
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The early Buddhist tradition also taught other meditation postures, such as the standing posture and the lion posture performed lying down on one side.

Buddhist meditation – The path toward liberation

Buddhists pursue as part of the path toward liberation from defilements (kleshas) and clinging and craving (upādāna), also called awakening, which results in the attainment of Nirvana, and includes a variety of meditation techniques such as: - asubha ("reflections on repulsiveness") - reflection on pratityasamutpada (dependent origination) - sati () and (recollections), including (breath meditation) - dhyana (developing an alert and luminous mind) - the Brahma-viharas (loving-kindness and compassion) These techniques aim to develop equanimity .
1st Karmapa Dusum Khyenpa Thangka Painting

1st Karmapa Lama – Dusum Kyenpa

Dusum Khyenpa is known as the 1st . Dusum Khyenpa is the founder of the (Kamtsang) branch of the Tradition. Dusum Khyenpa was born in Kham He served as Abbot of after and founded the . He is becoming the seat of the incarnate Karmapa . Dusum Khyenpa was the founder of the school and of its three main : Kampo Nenang Gon in 1164, Karma Gon .

Tibetan spiritual leader – Lama Dragpa Gyaltsen

Dragpa Gyaltsen was a and the third of the Five Patriarchs of . He was also known as the of the famous . Dragpa Gyaltsen was a Tibetan spiritual leader and the third of the Five Sakya Patriarchs of Tibet. He was also the guru of the famous Sakya Pandita. Dragpa Gyaltsen was born in 1147. Dragpa Gyaltsen is known as rje Btsun Grags pa Rgyal mtshan in Tibet. Jetsun Drakpa .

Interpreting Indian Adept Avadhutipa – Maitripa

Avadhutipa is also known as Maitripa who is an important figure both in and . It is through him that and ’s crucial on nature, the Uttara , became widely followed in . He also transmitted the esoteric aspect of buddha nature, embodied in the , which treat the topic of in great detail and provide a wide range of progressive, highly-refined . The life of the Indian .

Explaining Lama Teacher Sakya Pandita Kunga Gyaltsen

PanditaKunga Gyeltsen was a and scholar and the fourth of the Five Sakya Forefathers. He is held in the tradition to have been an emanation of Manjusri, the embodiment of the of all the . The Viability of Kunga Gyaltsen In this portion, we are going to talk about the life of Sakya PanditaKunga Gyeltsen. After a short etymological description of the word Sakya PanditaKunga Gyeltsen itself, we will .

Explaining Indian Adept Damarupa

Damarupa, an Indian of methods, the 5th teacher of the Margapala lineage along with the Chandali Perfection Stage Lineage.  The viability of the Damarupa In this portion, we were going to learn about the Viability of the Damarupa. After that, we will learn about the short etymological description of the word Damarupa itself. Etymology of theDamarupa Damarupa is known as drup thob da ma rupa in . In the , Damarupa and Avadhutipa are known .

Explaining Buddhist Protector Four Faced Mahakala – Chaturmukha Thangka

Depicting , Chaturmukha who was known as the Four-faced Great Black One. Mahakala was associated with the Guhyasamaja along with the Twenty-five and Fifty Chapter Mahakala Tantras. The Life of Chaturmukha Mahakala In this section, we are going to learn about the life of Mahakala, after that, we will learn about the short etymological description of the word Mahakala itself. Etymology of Chaturmukha Mahakala Earlier, we learn about the life of Caturmukha Mahakala. Now, we are going .

Explaining Nairatmya

is a who is the consort of in the Hevajra-.  Nairaymya is an embodiment of the philosophical concept of anatman. Nairatmya and Shri Virupa malformed, Ugly One along with the 'Extensive Lineage' of Indian of the Hevajra Tantra. The life of Nairatmya In this section, we will learn about the life of Nairatmya. And after that, we will learn about the short etymological description of the Nairatmya. Etymology of Nairatmya Nairatmya is .

Explaining Siddha Virupa – The Lord of Yoga

Virupa is also known as Yogeshvara. Virupa is surrounded by students and lineage teachers. Siddha Virupa is especially known as the source of the system held by the school and is thus seen as the Indian founder of their lineage.  The life of Siddha Virupa In this section, we are going to learn about the life of Siddha Virupa, after te short etymological description of the word Siddha Virupa itself. Etymology of Siddha Virupa Virupa is known .

Explaining Lama Teacher Tashi Paltseg

Tashi Paltseg was born in 1359-1424. Tashi Paltseg was born in 9th-century at Holder of Taglung. The life of Tasi Paltseg In this portion, we are going to learn about the life of Tashi Platseg, after te short etymological description of the word Tashi Platseg itself. Etymology of Tashi Patseg Tashi Platseg  appointed Taglung Shamar Jangchub Gyatso to the abbacy of Taglung Earlier, we learn about the life of Tashi Platseg. Now, we are going to learn about .