The Largest Tibetan Tiger Carpet ever made in Nepal

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Life is pleased to introduce the Largest Tibetan Tiger Carpet to all Tiger lovers. The size of the carpet is 335 cm wide and 457 cm long (11*15)ft.

This Tibetan Tiger Carpet is a and top- rug that conveys the warmth of handmade products.

Historical context and meaning of the Tiger Rug in Tibet

Tibetan Tiger are made traditionally, each design is cut by hand to create a 3-dimensional look that emulates a real tiger .

History of Tibetan Tiger Carpet

Tiger rugs were known to have been made as for in their . Tiger rugs have an association with . Yogins meditating on tiger pelts is a common motif in . The tiger skin motif is to protect the person during meditation by creating that kept away scorpions, snakes, and other insects.

Yogi on Tiger rug
on Tiger rug

Yogis practicing tantric meditation on tiger pelts In , these motifs are related to the tiger skin loin cloths depicted in Tibetan , of wrathful Tibetan . Female wear snow leopard spotted loincloths, a design also noted in old . Tigerskin rugs were also used in dances during the .

were specially made by mother upon the birth of a baby girl for Hundreds of years. This carpet and the of was considered the birth of a girl.

The origins of the tiger rug designs are a bit in the mist like the origins of Tibetan carpet making in general. Mimi Lipton, the editor of the book “The Tiger Rugs of ” says that they were not to be seen outside Tibet until 1979 when the first one was brought to the U.S.A. and bought by the Newark . The theory is that tiger rug designs were reserved for the cloisters and the high nobility.

Most of the Tibetan settled in , others in Northern , and some even in hot southern India. Many of the displaced Tibetans then began to make a living by making carpets.

or carpet weaving is a craft that has long been used to adorn floors, pillars, beams, walls, and even horse saddles. The special method of knotting is considered unique to this tradition and they are typically made from the wool of the Tibetan highland sheep called Changpel.

To know more about the of the Tibetan Tiger Rug please read our article on the History and origin of Tibetan Carpet Production in Nepal.

Tibetan Tiger Rug Meaning

The tiger is a symbol of strength, military prowess, awareness, , and confidence. . Tigers were indigenous to eastern Tibet, where the Wutun is located. A more subtle meaning has to do with . Tiger skins were a favored meditational mat for Tantric sages.

In Tantric , the tiger skin represents the transmutation of anger into and insight, also protection to the meditator from outside harm or spiritual interference. Tiger icons in are most prevalent in eastern Tibet, appearing on more furniture and rugs here than anywhere else in Tibet.

Tibetan Tiger Symbol

The tiger is known to symbolize unconditional confidence and disciplined awareness, kindness, and modesty.  It is associated with confidence, dominance over the forest, and the element.

In both Chinese and , various parts of the tiger are thought to possess powerful properties. He is the symbol of strength, fearlessness, and military power. The flayed skin is often used as a seat or worn into battle.

In Tibetan Buddhism, the tiger is ridden by many deities, particularly those of a warlike nature. The riding of a tiger symbolizes the fearlessness of the deity.

The diffusion of the tiger motif has been noted among the patterns of Turkestan, Mongolia, and associated with practice.

The Tales and Parables of Sri Ramakrishnan states

It is not easy to get rid of an illusion. It lingers even after the attainment of knowledge. A man dreamt of a tiger. Then he woke and his dream vanished but his heart continues to palpitate.

Prayer and meditation usage of the rug

The history of Tibetan rug making dates back to some fifteen hundred years but a typical piece from that date is virtually nonexistent lately. The Tiger Rugs were used for praying sleeping and meditation.

Many Tibetans believe that meditating on a tiger rug will protect you from negativity and enhance your meditation practice.

The small size like 60*90 cm and 70*140cm of the same design rug are perfect for prayer or meditation.

Crafting process of the largest tiger carpet

Materials used


Made in the traditional manner, each design is cut by hand to create a 3-dimensional look that emulates a real tiger skin.  The Tibetan Tiger rug is handmade in Nepal by using 100% Tibetan wool with 100 knots per square inch.

Cotton Loom

The loom is the base structure of the carpet which helps to knot the carpet. is used for the loom.

Weavers of the hand knotted carpet

These are the beautiful face behind our largest Tibetan Tiger Carpet. It will take 3 months to finish the process for 4 weavers. They are very excited to weave this Large Tibetan Tiger Carpet.

Supriya lama

Supriya is the one on the left of the photo. She is 25 years old. She started weaving carpet in 2017. She is married and has one daughter. Her husband in a private company as a security guard.

Bimala Bal

Bimala on the right of Supriya in the photo. Bimala started weaving carpet in 2016. She is the one introducing Supriya, Sangita, and Rojina to us. She is one of our best weavers. She is 30 years old and very committed to her work. In the , she manages to take care of her household work and her kids and she is working in our Carpet factory in the daytime.

Sanjita Lama

Sanjita is next to Bimala on the left of the photo. She started weaving carpets in 2019. She is also one of our best weavers who is very committed to her work.

Rojina lama

Rojina is on the right of the picture. She is 26 years old and has 2 kids. She making carpets.

She says,

When I weave the carpet with my friends I feel relaxed.

The weaving job is helping her to be busy in the daytime when her husband is in the office and the kids are in school.

Designing the carpet before starting

This is the computer design of the Tibetan tiger carpet.

Making the Graph for The Tibetan Tiger Rug

Traditional color combination of the rug

The color combination of this Large Tibetan Tiger is very beautiful. The of the tiger is in light orange color with 2 shades of beige and light yellow in the outer body of the Tiger.

The black stripes in the light orange body of the Tiger make the carpet look like real tiger skin with beautiful details.

The Tiger has Blue eyes and a pink face beige nose.

Large graph of the tiger carpet

This is the graph of the Large Tibetan Tiger carpet where our weavers are weaving the face of the Tiger in the loom.

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About sadiksha

Namaste! I am a Nepali Art Dealer specialized in Mandala and Thangka paintings. I love to write articles about the monastic culture of the Himalayas.

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