Openheartedness and Relaxation – Dzogchen Practice with Lama Lena

In this 3 parts series, introduces attendees to , focusing on gratitude and community support.

The session begins with expressions of thanks to participants, volunteers, and sponsors for their contributions.

Lena leads prayers and dedications for the well-being of all sentient beings, discussing the concept of primordial , which encompasses all and sentient beings and exists timelessly.

The session emphasizes practicing open awareness in daily life and compares and practices, introducing various to deepen understanding and experience of Dzogchen.

In the second part, Lama Lena continues exploring Dzogchen practice, guiding the group through prayers and dedications and discussing the nature of the primordial Buddha and the fourth , which transcends ordinary time and .

She gives useful guidance on how to maintain a state of open awareness in daily life, which includes methods such as aligning channels and empathizing with others.

Lama Lena stresses the importance of self-honesty, , and consistent practice, both during and in daily activities.

Comparisons between Tantra and Zen are drawn to highlight the unique benefits and challenges of each path, encouraging practitioners to find balance and integration in their spiritual journey.

In the third part of the series, Lama Lena focuses on the foundational aspects of practice: refuge and bodhichitta.

Bodhichitta is explained as openheartedness or great-heartedness, emphasizing acceptance and openness towards all life .

Lama Lena introduces different analogies for practicing Dzogchen, including the ways of the shepherd, , and sailor, each representing different approaches to the practice.

The concept of heart teachers is also explored, highlighting their transformative impact on one’s spiritual journey.

Lama Lena describes heart teachers as spiritual friends who guide us to understand the nature of our own , with the first heart teacher being a particularly significant and transformative experience.

She emphasizes the importance of , open-mindedness, and self-reflection, and the value of supporting individuals who dream and create positively.

Lama Lena also addresses about dealing with and personal distractions, encouraging acceptance and focusing on the present moment.

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

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