The Bandhas – Mystic Breathing Exercise

Among the "secret" aspects of are the , which may be translated roughly as breathing . After the has been prepared by thorough practice in the different and clarified by the breathing exercises, the is ready for the . These may not be attained immediately since they depend on a full state of body and for successful attainment. Uddiana Bandha By a very strong expiration, the lungs are emptied and .
singing bowl therapy

All you need to know about Singing Bowls

are a mysterious combination of , science, , and sound an connection for humanity. This rich mesh of qualities makes for many different paths of enjoyment. of Singing also known as , , DhoniPatra(sound, vessel), and suzu gongs are used for , healing purpose, sound , purpose, sound yoga, sound meditation with chantings, which have great medicinal and used from ancient .

Sexual Principle and Practices in Yoga

In the Vedic and Upanishad periods of , total abstinence from sexual intercourse (), whether by action, or word was considered to be one of the highest virtues leading to Yoga. Yoga Practise Later exponents of Yoga, however, interpreted the injunction toward a continent life to mean that one should maintain a dispassionate attitude toward sexual matters and that there should be in sex. Some of the earlier Yogins stated that Yoga is mainly for .