About Padmasambhava

Padmasambhava (Tib.: Guru Rinpoche) is the Indian founder of Tantric Buddhism in Tibet. In the 11th century with the rise of the Revealed Treasure tradition (Tib.: terma) the worship of Padmasambhava took on cult status. Hundreds of new deity forms of Padmasambhava were created representing all aspects of iconography and Tantric activity; peaceful, wrathful, male, female, wealth, power, healing, etc.

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Emanation of Padmasambhava – Dorje Drolo

is a wrathful emanation from the group of Eight Main Manifestations. Dorje Drolo the fierce manifestation of known as Diamond Guts. Dorje Drolo is one of the Eight Manifestations of . He assumed this manifestation in in in order to bring the local deities and guardians under his control. Dorje Dorolo is known as gu ru rDo-rje gro-lod in .  Dorje Dorolo is also known as Guru .
Explaining Padmasambahava 8 Forms: Senge Dradog

Eight Manifestations of Padmasambhava: Senge Dradog

Senge Dradog is the eight from the set of Eight Manifestations of .  Senge Dradog is an idealized wrathful form of the Indian teacher Padmasambhava representing the power of all . Life of Senge Dradog In this section, we are going to learn about the Life of Senge Dradog, after that, the short etymological description of the word Senge Dradog itself. Senge Dradog is known as defeats the attackers on throughout the six .

Explaining Padmasambhava – The fierce Guru Dragpo

is also called fierce . Padmashamvara is from the Terma Revealed. Padmashamvara is from Treasure Lineage of Nyang Ral Nyima Ozer 1124-1192. The life of Padmasambhava In this portion, we are going to learn about the life of Padmasambhava. After, that we will learn the short etymological description of the word Padmasambhava itself. Etymology of the Padmasambhava Padmasambhava is known as Byung Gnas in . Earlier, we learn about the life of Padmasambhava. Now we were going .

Who is Padmasambhava?

For 2,500 years have considered with awe the achievement of . What induces such tremendous respect in them is not just that he gained , but that he did so without a teacher. Contemplating the difficulties that the had to overcome has given a very great appreciation of the value of a spiritual teacher. As Buddhism developed, and the three yanas unfolded, the role and significance of the spiritual teacher changed. .

Guru Rimpoche Padmasambhava Thangka

-Born”, also known as the , was a sage from , northwestern Classical (in the modern-day Swat Valley of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, ). Padmasambhava is said to have transmitted to , and neighboring countries in the 8th century AD. In those lands, he is better known as “Precious Guru”. This site is dedicated to her figure. Padmasambhava is considered a manifestation of  also known as Guru . He .

Guru Rinpoche | Padmasambhava

The of dates back in . He is also known as the . He is the Indian of the 8th century. He is an emanation of the , and a number of  have been evolved around the Padmasambhava's life. He is popular as "The " across the , , , and many places around the world. During the of Padmasambhava, he transmitted the to hundreds of disciples. His main students, .

Tibetan Gau boxes & Amulets

Ga'u or Gawu is a item also known as box. Gau are generally made from hand hammered metals. The purpose and function of an amulet box is for general protection and protection when traveling. Amulet boxes are also commonly used to store all manner of materials such as small texts, blessing cords, consecrated , relics, and the like. Types of Gau Box Tibetan Gau boxs can be categorized according to their size, .
Namkhai Nyingpo Thangka Painting from 19th century

19th century Painting of Namkhai Nyingpo 

'i Nyingpo one of the twenty-five disciples of , is depicted with long-life implements. Other details of this nineteenth-century from Kham suggest from 's story of and Dorje Tso. Namkhai Nyingpo is performing a long-life ritual in this . He holds upraised in the right hand an arrow of and a scepter. In the left hand, a is held close to the heart. In the sky above, at the .
Phurba Gallery

The Tantric Phurba – A protective ritual dagger

The is a dagger used in practices. It is used to protect against negative energies and to promote positive change. The phurba is not to be used for or harm, and should only be used for ritual purposes. It is a powerful for protection and should be used with care and respect. Origin of Phurba in The renowned , who was initiated by the Indian sage Prabhahastin, is said .