About Siddhi

Siddhis are spiritual, paranormal, supernatural, or otherwise magical powers, abilities, and attainments that are the products of spiritual advancement through sādhanās such as meditation and yoga. The term ṛddhi is often used interchangeably in Buddhism.

Products related to Siddhi

Origin of Yoga and its connection with Buddhism

Nowadays, you can find classes in nearly every city, and there are numerous online platforms that facilitate practicing yoga at home. Yoga involves a combination of physical postures and breath , which can be either static or flowing, slow or fast. Historical origins of Yoga It is essential to understand the core and purpose of yoga and its historical origins. This offers valuable insights into the cultural context during which the lived and .
Manjuvajra Embracing His Consort

Tantric practices – The esoteric South Asian traditions

Tantra are the esoteric traditions of and Buddhism that developed in South Asia from the middle of the 1st millennium CE onwards. The term tantra, in the Indian traditions, also means any systematic broadly applicable text, theory, system, method, instrument, technique or practice. A key feature of these traditions is the use of mantras, and thus they are commonly referred to as Mantramārga ("Path of Mantra") in Hinduism or Mantrayāna ("Mantra Vehicle") and Guhyamantra ("Secret .

The Vajrasattva Mantra Banner

HUM. The Vajrasattva represents primordial . We can clean our of , , and delusion by meditating on him. He carries a thunderbolt in his heart, which signifies his upaya, or talent in liberating via . Who is Vajrasattva? Vajrasattva is a significant figure in the of the Valley's . He is commonly invoked in the maala, which is the fundamental for all other  .

Deity and Divinities of Nyingma Tradition

Tradition is the old school of is the name given to the followers of those original translations of the of the into . The Nyingma teachings are divided into the Long Transmission (Tib. ring gyü) of the and the Short Transmission (Tib. nyé gyü) of Terma; other teachings were received by directly in Pure Visions (Tib. dak nang) from or , in experiences or in dreams. Particular to .

All you need to know About Navaratri – Durga Puja

Navaratri, the word for "nine nights", also called is a major festival held in for the honor of the divine feminine. There are two festivals of Navaratri: Chaitra Navaratri and Sharad Navaratri or Maha Navaratri. Chaitra Navaratri occurs during the spring season. Navami, the birthday of great Lord Rama, usually falls on the ninth day of Chaitra Navaratri and thus, Chaitra Navaratri is also known as Ram Navaratri. In the .
Depicting-Indian-Teacher-Asanga Thangka

Interpreting Indian Teacher Asanga

Asaṅga is one of the most important spiritual figures of and the founder of the Yogacara school. is known as the 4th-century founder of the -Only School of . The Existence of the Asanga In this section, we are going to talk about the existence of Asanga. After a short etymological description of the word Asanga itself, we will review his frameworks for , and we will learn about Asaṅga's Disciples finally, .

Explaining Siddha Virupa – The Lord of Yoga

Virupa is also known as Yogeshvara. Virupa is surrounded by students and lineage teachers. Siddha Virupa is especially known as the source of the system held by the school and is thus seen as the Indian founder of their lineage.  The life of Siddha Virupa In this section, we are going to learn about the life of Siddha Virupa, after te short etymological description of the word Siddha Virupa itself. Etymology of Siddha Virupa Virupa is known .
Mandarava Thangka Painting

Long Life Dakini Mandarava

is also known as The Long Life Mandarava. Mandarava was the virtuous, and beautiful princess daughter of the royal couple in Zahor. Mandarava is also known as, , . She is along with . She is one of the two principal consorts of great 8th century Indian teacher , a founder-figure of , described as a '' by many practitioners. Birth Place of Mandarava Mandarava was born to a .
Machik Labdron and Chod Refuge

Depicting the Painting of Machik Labdron and Chod Refuge

This is mid-20th-century of Machik Labdron and the Chod field displaying teachers and deities. Painting Chart Depicting the Painting of Machik Labdron and Chod Refuge N°1  Asaṅga was "one of the most important spiritual figures" of and the "founder of the Yogacara school". Traditionally, he and his half-brother are regarded as the major classical Indian exponents of , Vijñanavada (awareness only) thought and Mahayana on the .
Root Chakra Mandala

Root Chakra – Primary energy storage

The is also called in which is primary energy . It is located at the base of the spine in the vicinity of the coccygeal plexus beneath the sacrum. It is associated with your most basic survival needs. Where is root is located on the ? Muladhara is located at the base of the spine, the pelvic floor, and the first three vertebrae, the root chakra is responsible for your sense .