Explaining Protective Talisman – The thangka of the Tibetan calendar

This is the of the . As both an instructional and auspicious talisman the stylized astrological chart brings to all those who see, display, or possess it. The is a congregation of astrological, calendar, and primary element .

The Esse of Protective Talisman

In this portion, we are going to learn about the Esse of Protective Talisman. After that, we will learn about the short etymological description of the word Protective Talisman itself.

Etymology of Protective Talisman

The meaning of Protective Talisman is known as sid pa ho in .

Earlier, we learn about the Esse of Protective Talisman. Now, we are going to learn about depicting Protective Talisman thangka.

Depicting  Protective Talisman Thangka

The thangka of Protective Talisman is from Tibet. The thangka of Protective Talisman is made between 1800 – 1899 AD. It is from Uncertain lineage. The size of the painting is 51.44×38.74cm. The base of the painting is Mineral Pigment on . Currently, this painting is in the .

By depicting this thangka, we will learn about the presentation of Protective Talisman with , , , , Two smaller , Padmasambhava, and , etc.


Padmasambhava is in the top center of the Protective Talisman in the thangka. Padmasambhava is holding a and skulls. Padmasambhava is richly attired and seated in a relaxed posture.

Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara

Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara is in the right of the Protective Talisman in the thangka. Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara is white in color with one face and two hands. Avalokiteshvara is holding a on the left.

Avalokiteshvara who has also known as Sahasrabhuja Ekadasamukha. Sahasrabhuja Ekadasamukja is from the tradition of Bhikshuni Shri along with the lineage teachers of the Tradition following the line of Shigatse Tibet, the home of the .


Vajrapani is in the right corner of the Protective Talisman in the thangka. Vajrapani is blue in color who has one face and two hands holding a vajra upraised in the right. Vajrapani is known as wrathful Tutelary Deity who is represented as the power of all .

Vajrapani is blue in color who is with one face and two hands. He holds aloft in the right a golden vajra scepter. The left-hand of Vajrapani holds a vajra handled and embraces the consort who is also blue with one face and two hands.

Vajrapani is adorned with gold and jewel ornaments, a crown, bracelets, and the like the upper is covered with the hide of elephant . The lower body of Vajrapani is wrapped with a tiger skin. Twenty-one birds of various colors issue outward from the body of Vajrapani and consort.


Kalachakra is below the Manjushri as a seal is the combined of Kalachakra the ten power letters written in gold on a red background with a blue border.

Two smaller mandala circles

Two smaller mandala circles are below the central figure of the Protective Talisman in the thangka. There are two smaller mandala circles containing protection wheels with the left on the belly of a tortoise. Both circles contain and verses to bring about good fortune and counteract badly aspected planets and days.

Guru Padmasambhava

Guru Padmasambhava is generally referred to as which means precious . Guru is a totally being a fully awakened one a buddha. He did not become enlightened gradually or start practicing the of Buddha and eventually achieve .

There is the seal of Padmasambhava Guru Rinpoche composed of various mantras and verses written in black lettering on a multi-colored. chequered background bordered with a red frame.

Guru Rinpoche incarnated as a fully enlightened being. Through his form, primordial manifests in the world to benefit all sentient beings.

God of Wisdom – Manjushri

Manjushri is in the left corner of the Protective Talisman in the thangka. Manjushri is Orange in color.  Manjushri has one face and two hands held to the heart in the Teaching gesture delicately holding the stems of two lotus flowers blossoming at each ear. The blossom on his right supports the flaming sword of wisdom and the left supports the .

Earlier, we learn about the Esse of Protective Talisman and depicting Protective Talisman. Now, we are going to learn about Protective Talisman with Manjushri.

Protective Talisman with Manjushri Thangka

The thangka of Protective Talisman with Manjushri is from Tibet. The thangka of Protective Talisman with Manjushri is made between 1800 – 1899 AD.  The size of the painting is 40.64×34.29cm. The base of the painting is Ground Mineral Pigment on Cotton. Currently, this painting is in of .

By depicting this thangka, we are going to learn about Protective Talisman.

The middle circle is composed of the 8 trigrams of Chinese origin displayed on a blue wheel atop an orange background. The outer circle is divided into 12 and supports the 12 of the 60 Year Cycle. The symbols for the five are found along the sides.

Earlier, we learn about the Esse of Protective Talisman, depicting Protective Talisman, and the representation of Protective Talisman with Manjushri. Now, we are going to learn about the presentation of Protective Talisman with Kalachakra.

Protective Talisman with Kalachakra Thangka

The thangka of Protective Talisman with Kalachakra is from Tibet. The thangka of Protective Talisman with Manjushri is made between 1800 – 1899 AD.  It is from Uncertain lineage. The size of the painting is 67.31×48.26cm. The base of the painting is Ground Mineral Pigment on Cotton. Currently, this painting is in the Rubin of Art.

By depicting this thangka, we will learn about the Protective Talisman.

At the top left is the Kalachakra mantra who is known as the ten power letters. Below that there are the protective seals for the 12 Year cycle and the Lords and Ministers. At the top right corner is the seal of Padmasambhava as a set of multi-colored squares with auspicious verses and mantras.

Earlier, we learn about the Esse of Protective Talisman, depicting Protective Talisman, and the representation of Protective Talisman with Manjushri. And finally, we learn about the representation of Protective Talisman with Kalachakra.

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