Explaining Lama Teacher Wangdu Nyingpo
Wangdu Nyingpo is known as the Patriarch of the Khon Family the 32nd Sakya Tridzin and also commonly known as the second Padmasambhava of this Age. He was a renowned Tantric practitioner and Terton finder of Revealed Treasure. Wangdu Nying was a Patriarch of the Khon family.
Table of Contents
The life of Wangdu Nyingpo
In this portion, we are going to learn about the life of Wangdu Nyingpo, after that, the short etymological description of the word Wangdu Nyingpo itself.
Etymology of Wangdu Nyingpo
Wangdu Nyingpo is known as dbang sdud snying PO in Tibet.
Earlier, we learn about the life of Wangdu Nyingpo. Now, we are going to learn about the iconography of Wangdu Nyingpo.
Iconography of Wangdu Nyingpo
In the iconography of Wangdu Nyingpo, we are going to learn about his body posture, hand and leg gesture, and different representations of Wangdu Nyingpo in thangka and statue.
Posture of Wangdu Nyingpo
Wangdu Nyingpo sits wrapped in a meditation cloak with only his face, upper torso, and arms exposed. Atop the head is a small version of a sparsely ornamented mostly plain lotus hat. He has open eyes with dark eyebrows also mustache and a light beard along with small earrings.
The two hands of Wangdu Nyingpo grasp a vajra scepter and vajra handled bell in the vajra embracing gesture in front of the heart. A white lower robe is partially exposed, tied with a black sash and holding a ritual peg Purba. He is seated atop a blue and green lotus above a lion supported jeweled throne.
He is surrounded by an elaborate backrest of foliage and flowers encircle by a decorative Torana of a lion, Sharabha, boy, and dragon on both the right and left sides of the throne. The two dragons each offer a bowl of green and red colored wish-fulfilling jewels. There is no name inscription or any inscriptions on the front or back of this painting.
The identification of the central figure as Wangdu Nyingpo is based on the portrait of the figure and other comparable paintings and sculptures of Wangdu Nyingpo. To the buddhas of the three times as the second Oddiyana Protector with all gathered power over the animate and inanimate, Subduer of wrongdoers, possessing the essence of the path entwined as the great bliss of the four joys together with wisdom, compassion, and power.
I pray to pacify obstacles of daemons and Bhutas and bestow the blessing of attainments – making aspirations spontaneous.
The two present-day palaces of Sakya and branches of the Khon family are the Drolma and Puntsog. They were founded by the two sons of Wangdu Nyingpo, Padma Dudul Wangchug, and Kunga Rinchen respectively.
The red table with a blue surface in front supports a double-sided drum, teacup, vajra scepter, vajra handled bell, Dharma wheel, initiation vase, incense bowl, and three wish-fulfilling jewels.
Earlier, we learn about the life of Wangdu Nyingpo and the iconography of Wangdu Nyingpo. Now, we are going to learn about depicting Wangdu Nyingpo thangka.
Depicting Lama Teacher Wangdu Nyingpo Thangka
By depicting this thangka, we will learn about the presentation of Wangdu Nyingpo with Samantabhadra, Vajrasattva, Padmasambhava, Sadhu Mahakala, and white Jambhala, etc.
Samantabhadra is at the top center of the Wangdu Nyingpo in the thangka. Samantabhadra is has known as the primordial Buddha of the Nyingma Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. He is blue in color and wears jewel ornaments and heavenly garments.
In the two hands placed in the lap in a gesture of meditation. Samantabhadra holds the stems of two flowers blossoming at the right and left sides of his upper body. The two flowers support a vajra scepter on the proper right and a bell on the left.
Vajrasattva is at the upper left of the composition in the thangka. Vajrasattva is peaceful in appearance whoo helps in holding a vajra scepter to the heart with the right hand. And a bell upturned at the hip with the left hand.
Padmasambhava is on the upper right side of the Wangdu Nyingpo in the thangka. Padmasambhava is wearing a red lotus hat. A Padmasambhava is holding a vajra scepter in the right hand and a skull bowl on the left.
Sadhu Mahakala
Sadhu Mahakala is at the bottom center of the Wangdu Nyingpo in the thangka. Sadhu Mahakala is the wisdom protector deity Sadhu Mahakala. Sadhu Mahakala is known as the wrathful in appearance.
Sadhu Mahakala is blue in color who is holding ba hook knife in the right hand and skull up in the left. A long sandalwood staff rests against his right shoulder.
White Jambhala
White Jambhala is at the bottom left side of the Wangdu Nyingpo in the thangka. White Jambhala is the wealth deity. White Jambhala is with one face and two hands who are riding atop a turquoise dragon.
Earlier, we learn about the life of Wangdu Nyingpo, the iconography of Wangdu Nyingpo, and depicting Wangdu Nyingpo thangka. Now, we are going to learn about the presentation of Wangdu Nyingpo with Padmasambhava thangka.
Wangdu Nyingpo with Padmasambhava Thangka
The thangka of Wangdu Nyingpo with Padmasambhava is from Tibet. it is made between 1800 – 1899 AD. The size of the painting is 63.50×42.55cm. Wangdu Nyingpo with Padmasambhava is from the Sakya lineage. Ground Mineral Pigment and Fine Gold Line on Cotton is used to color this thangka. currently, this painting is in the Rubin Museum of Art.
By depicting this thangka, we will learn about Wangdu Nyingma.
Wangdu Nyingpo, Sakya Tridzin was surrounded by meditational deities above and previous incarnations below. In physical appearance, he is similar to Padmasambhava. He gazes forward with large round eyes, a slight goatee, and wizened appearance.
The dark hair of Wangdu Nyingpo, Sakya Tridzin is arranged in a topknot on the crown of the head tied with a red ribbon. He is adorned with a sacred text. The right hand at the heart holds a gold vajra.
Earlier, we learn about the life of Wangdu Nyingpo, the iconography of Wangdu Nyingpo, depicting Wangdu Nyingpo thangka, and the representation of Wangdu Nyingpo with Padmasambhava thangka. Now, we are going to learn about the presentation of Wangdu Nyingpo with Vajradhara thangka.
Sakya Tridzin with Vajradhara Thangka
The thangka of Wangdu Nyingpo with Vajradhara is from Tibet. it is made between 1700 – 1799 AD. Wangdu Nyingpo with Vajradhara is from the Sakya lineage. The size of the painting is 59.06×44.45cm. The base of the painting is Ground Mineral Pigment on Cotton.currently, this painting is in the Rubin Museum of Art.
By depicting this thangka, we will learn about the presentation of Wangdu Nyingma with Sachen Kunga Nyingpo.
The two present-day palaces of Sakya and branches of the Khon family which is also known as the Drolma and Puntsog. They were founded by the two sons of Wangdu Nyingpo, Padma Dudul Wangchug, and Kunga Rinchen respectively. At the top center is the primordial Buddha Vajradhara.
Vajradhara is blue in color with the Indian Mahasiddha Virupa on the left.
Sachen Kunga Nyingpo
Sachen Kunga Nyingpo is on the right side of the Vajradhara in the thangka. Sachen Kunga Nyingpo is the first of the five Sakya patriarchs.
Earlier, we learn about the life of Wangdu Nyingpo, the iconography of Wangdu Nyingpo, depicting Wangdu Nyingpo thangka, the representation of Wangdu Nyingpo with Padmasambhava thangka, and the representation of Wangdu Nyingpo with Vajradhara thangka. Now, we are going to learn about the presentation of Wangdu Nyingpo with Chakrasamvara thangka.
Wangdu Nyingpo with Chakrasamvara Thangka
The thangka of Wangdu Nyingpo with Chakrasamvara is made between 1800 – 1899 AD. Wangdu Nyingpo with Chakrasamvara is from the Sakya lineage. The base of the painting is Ground mineral pigment on cotton. Wangdu Nyingpo with Chakrasamvara is from a private collection.
By depicting this thangka, we will learn about the presentation of Wangdu Nyingpa with Shmashana Adhipati and Dorje Shugden Tanag.
At the top of the Thangka are the principal meditational deities special to Wangdu Nyingpo. Chakrasamvara is at the top left of the Thangka.
Shmashana Adhipati
Shmashana Adhipati is at the middle left of the Thangka.
Dorje Shugden Tanag
Dorje Shugden Tanag is on the right of the thangka. Dorje Shugden Tanag is riding a black horse.
Earlier, we learn about the life of Wangdu Nyingpo, the iconography of Wangdu Nyingpo, depicting Wangdu Nyingpo thangka, the representation of Wangdu Nyingpo with Padmasambhava thangka, and the representation of Wangdu Nyingpo with Vajradhara thangka. Finally, we learn about the representation of Wangdu Nyingpo with Chakrasamvara thangka.