About Doko (basket)

Doko is a kind of basket made from bamboo. They are hand-woven in a conical or "V" shape. Dokos are especially used by porters to carry goods in Nepal, Bhutan and northern India's mountainous Sikkim and Uttarakhand states.

108 Verses Praising Great Compassion By Lama Lobsang Tayang

This translation of 108 Verses Praising is of the renowned Lobsang Tayang's . He was a highly esteemed interpreter of the Gelugpa tradition, and his writings cover a wide range of literature, , logic and . About Lama Lobsang Tayang was born in 1867 in the Gobi desert, was renowned for his vast of . He was compared to the Indian pandit Ashvagosha, author of the “50 Verses .
Dalai Lama speaking on the first day of his teaching on Chandrakirti 2022

The Dalai Lama’s views on the Madhyamaka

This article is about the 's on the The  also referred as "". It is based on the belief that all things are interconnected and interdependent, and that therefore no one thing can be considered in isolation. The Dalai 's views on the "Middle Way" This article discusses the Dalai Lama's views on the Middle Way Approach, a which advocates for a balanced and moderate approach to life. While addressing the congregation at the .
Phurba Gallery

The Tantric Phurba – A protective ritual dagger

The is a dagger used in practices. It is used to protect against negative energies and to promote positive change. The phurba is not to be used for or harm, and should only be used for ritual purposes. It is a powerful for protection and should be used with care and respect. Origin of Phurba in The renowned , who was initiated by the Indian sage Prabhahastin, is said .

Chöd practice explained by Tsultrim Allione

practice is a practice developed by a woman teacher named in the 11th century. What is Chöd? Chöd is a confrontation process with and then pushing through it to achieve . In other words, Chöd is a practice of feeding, not fighting, that which assails us. In the practice, you are transforming your into a nectar and then feeding it a series of guests (fears). Who can practice Chöd? The type of person .

Muktinath and the Muktikshetra in Mustang

The holy from Gandaki river gushing out of the 108 water spouts are said to cleanse the devotees of their sins and set them on a path to salvation. The waters are to as well and it’s called '' in language meaning "a hundred springs". The Muktinath pilgrimage The are believed to be terrestrial dwelling place of saints and the home of the . The Muktinath situated at an .
What is Downward Facing Dog Pose?

What is Downward Facing Dog Pose?

Downward Dog Pose and Downward-facing Dog Pose is also known as Adho Mukha Shvanasana. Downward-facing Dog Pose is an inversion in as exercise which is often practiced as part of a flowing sequence of poses especially which means the Salute to the . The asana does not have formally named variations but several playful variants are used to assist beginning practitioners to become comfortable in the pose. Downward Dog stretches .

The Mysterious Goddess Taleju Bhawani, A Terrifying Demon and the Living Goddess

Taleju Bhawani is considered as the goddess who made . Legend has it that the great kings established their powerful dynasty because they were granted kingship by goddess Taleju. There are Taleju in the three royal palaces of Malla Kings in Basantapur, and . When King Naryan Shah conquered the three kingdoms of valley, he continued the tradition of worshipping the goddess Taleju and the living goddess , a .

The Ancient Town of Panauti and its Heritage

Panauti is one of the oldest towns in situated at the confluence of the two rivers Punyamata and Rosi. Legend has it that a third invisible river also meets with the two rivers, making it a Triveni (a scared place where three rivers meet). Many believe Panauti was named after the Punyamata river. Moreover, Panauti has been called by different names throughout like Punyawati, Punyamatinagar, Panchal desh, Punanti and Palaati. The Town The .

Gokarneshwar – A sacred site on the bank of the Bagmati River

The Bagmati River is a of to . A holy dip in the Bagmati river is said to free people from all the sins they have committed in this lifetime. There are numerous legends surrounding the of the river and the creation of on its banks. Along with the great , Gokarneshwar, also known as Gokarna is one of the holiest places located on the banks of river .

Buddhist monuments and the Kings of Patan

Long ago, Sarvananda of Dipavati invited sages around the country for distributing alms. , a Buddha who reached prior to , was also invited. However, instead of visiting the palace, Dipankara Buddha visited a nearby hut belonging to an old lady. In late 2021, a 1400-year-old stone inscription was discovered in front of the Bhimsen at Durbar. It was kept there by Lichhavi ruler Anshu Verma. The inscription .