Interpreting Buddhist Elder Rahula
Rahula is the elder of the actual son of the Buddha Shakyamuni and the 10th arhat from the set of 16 Great Arhats. Rahula is known in Buddhist texts for his eagerness for learning and was honored by monks and nuns throughout Buddhist history.
Table of Contents
The life of the Rahula
In this portion, we are going to talk about the life of Rahula. After that short etymological description of the word Rahula itself.
Etymology of the Rahula
The meaning of Rahula is Ne ten, Dra Chen Dzin in Tibet. And the meaning of Rahula is Sthavira Rahula in Sanskrit. Rahula is mentioned in numerous Buddhist texts, from the early period onward.
Earlier, we studied the life of the Rahula. Now we are going to learn about the iconography of Rahula.
Iconography of the Rahula
n the Iconography of the Rahula, we will learn about her body posture, hand and leg gesture, and different representations of Rahula in thangka and statue.
Posture of the Rahula
Rahula is handsome in appearance and gazing to the side. The black hair of the head of Rahula is piled in a topknot in likeness to the Ushnisha of the Buddha. Fine featured he has long eyebrows, pendant earlobes, and three lines across the neck all signs of beauty.
The two hands with slender fingers are placed at the heart holding a gold and jewel tiara decorated with ribbons on the sides a gift of the gods from the Heaven of Thirty-three. Rahula is attired in a green cloak with long sleeves. The left shoulder of Rahula is covered with a yellow and blue patchwork robe further wrapped around the folded legs.
A red robe of Rahula is tied with a green sash is worn about the lower body. Rahula is Seated atop a blue cushion and backrest spread with an orange and yellow monk’s meditation mat. Rahula sits with the head framed by an areola of red light.
Behind, flower blossoms spread upward forming a canopy. In front, the two shoes Rahula are placed on the rise of rock outcropping forming a natural seat above a pile of wishing jewels and precious objects assembled as an offering. Several deer rests on the open ground and waterfowl sport in the waters fed by the mountains at either side.
Earlier, we studied the life of the Rahula and the iconography of Rahula. Now we are going to learn about depicting Buddhist Deity Rahula.
Depicting Buddhist Elder Rahula Thangka
The thangka of Rahula is from Tibet. It was made in between 1700 AD to 1799 AD. The size of the Painting is 71.12×44.45cm. It is from uncertain lineage. The base of the painting is ground mineral pigment on cotton. Presently, this painting is in the Rubin Museum of Art.
By Depicting this thangka, we will see how Rahula is presented with Monk.
Monk is at the upper left side of the Rahula. Rahula is attendant arranges a plate on a rock table alongside a flower vase and black begging bowl filled with persimmon fruit. Behind, a tree with a gnarled lavender trunk is heavily laden with ripening orange fruit each framed by large star-shaped foliage. On the Island of Priyangku is the noble elder Rahula is surrounded by 1,100 arhats and homage to the One holding a jeweled tiara.
Earlier, we studied the life of the Rahula, the iconography of Rahula, and depicting Buddhist Deity Rahula. Now we are going to learn about the presentation of Rahula with Sakyamuni Buddha.
Rahula with Sakyamuni Buddha Thangka
Rahula with Sakyamuni Buddha was painted around 1800-18499 AD. The size of this painting is 62.23×44.45cm. The base of the painting is cotton and the ground mineral pigment is used to color it. Rahula belongs to Uncertain Lineage. This Masterpiece Thangka Art is still preserved and kept in the Rubin Museum of Art.
By depicting this thangka we will learn the representation of Rahula.
Rahula who is known as the Elder is the actual son of the Buddha Shakyamuni and the 10th arhat from the set of 16 Great Arhats. Rahula is also known as the Buddha’s son. Rahula has a number of different ways in which he is depicted. The most common depiction in Tibetan art is for him to be holding up a jeweled crown with both hands.
Earlier, we studied the life of the Rahula, the iconography of Rahula, depicting Buddhist Deity Rahula, and the representation of Rahula with Sakyamuni Buddha. Now we are going to learn about the presentation of Rahula with Dharmata.
Rahula with Dharmata Thangka
This painting is from eastern Tibet. Rahula with Dharmata was painted around 1500-1599 AD. The size of this painting is 80.01×46.99cm. The base of the painting is cotton and the ground mineral pigment is used to color it. Rahula belongs to Uncertain Lineage. This Masterpiece Thangka Art is still preserved and kept in the Rubin Museum of Art.
By depicting this thangka we will learn the representation of Rahula.
Rahula is with a pale complexion. Rahula is handsome and cleanshaven. He holds in the two hands held to the heart a gold tiara studded with jewels a gift of the gods from the Heaven of Thirty-three.
Rahula is wearing a jade green cloak with long sleeves, a white lining, and tied with a blue sash, across the shoulders and wrapped about the lower body is an orange and red patchwork robe. With the legs in vajra posture above a floral design carpet, he sits atop a rocky bench with the head surrounded by a large ethereal circle of light. In front of a rock footstool is a pair of orange sandals.
Rahula is resting peacefully at the lower-left a brown spotted stag sits with the head turned to the side. At the right of the thangka, there is a heavenly figure with a dark mustache, and goatee, wearing a Dharma book on the back tied with a red sash, rides atop a large green dragon twisting with the limbs flailed above a bank of billowing white clouds. A steep rocky hillside of blue and green rises at the right covered with white flowering shrubs and trees.
At the left of the thangka, there is a terraced landscape extends upward to a cloud-filled sky. The full group of arhats traditionally comprise 25 figures: the buddha Shakyamuni, together with the two foremost disciples – Shariputra and Maudgalyayana, the 16 Arhats, the attendant Dharmata, the patron Hva-Shang and the Four Guardians of the Directions; Vaishravana, Virupaksha, Dhritarashtra, and Virudhaka.
Earlier, we studied the life of the Rahula, the iconography of Rahula, depicting Buddhist Deity Rahula, the representation of Rahula with Sakyamuni Buddha, and the representation of Rahula with Dharmata. Now we are going to learn about the presentation of Rahula wit Virupaksha.
Rahula with Virupaksha Thangka
This painting is from China. Rahula with Virupaksha was painted around 1800-1899 AD. The size of this painting is 85.09×53.98cm. The base of the painting is cotton and the ground mineral pigment is used to color it. Rahula belongs to Uncertain Lineage. This Masterpiece Thangka Art is still preserved and kept in the Rubin Museum of Art.
By depicting this thangka we will learn the representation of Rahula with different deities such as Bakula, Nagasena, Dharmatala, Direction Guardian Virupaksha, and Vaishravana, etc.
Bakula is in the first row, Along the top from left to right of the thangka. Arhats Bakula is holding a mongoose in the right hand. Rahula is with both hands holding a jeweled crown. Cudapathaka is with both hands folded in the mudra of meditation.
Nagasena is in the second row. Nagasena is holding a staff in the right hand and a bowl in the left. Pantaka is with the right hand performing the mudra of blessing and the left holding a book in the lap. Pendola Bharadvaja is with the right hand holding up a book and the left supporting a bowl in the lap.
In the third row, arhat Gopaka is holding a book with both hands. And Abheda is holding a Caitya reliquary symbol with both hands. Each of the arhats has a shaved head and wears the robes of the clergy (sangha).
Dharmatala is on the right side of the thangka. Dharmatala is the lay attendant holding a fly-whisk in the right hand and a vase in the left. He wears long flowing robes of various colors and sits in a western-style seat with a tiger lying by his side.
Direction Guardian Virupaksha
Direction Guardian Virupaksha is at the bottom left of the thangka. Direction Guardian Virupaksha is red in color and holding a caitya.
Vaishravana is at the right of the thangka. Vaishravana is the leader who is holding a victory banner in the right hand and a mongoose on the left. Vaishravana is surrounded by dark billowing blue-black smoke and fire they wear gold and jewels, body armour and fine silks of various colors.
Earlier, we studied the life of the Rahula, the iconography of Rahula, depicting Buddhist Deity Rahula, the representation of Rahula with Sakyamuni Buddha, and the representation of Rahula with Dharmata. Finally, we are learn about the representation of Rahula wit Virupaksha.