Tibetan Mandala tantric practices & benefits
Tibetan mandala tantric practices are used to cultivate and generate energy, and to bring about transformation and healing.
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Tibetan Mandala as a meditation tool
Mandalas can be created with a variety of materials commonly including sand, paint or fabric (appliqué).
According to the Tibetan teachings the mandala is a tool for working with the energies of the cosmos including :
In other words, the mandala can help control inner feelings by accessing and channeling the energies of the chakras, nadis, and the natural elements.
The Mandala iconography
The mandala is a map of the cosmos also called sacred diagram which the tantric practitioner uses to navigate the energies of the universe.
It is considered by practitioner to be a sacred space one should enter into with reverence and respect.
The most common mandala design features a central circle surrounded by four quadrants.
Each quadrant typically contains a different symbol or color, representing one of the four elements: earth, air, fire, or water.
The mandala is often divided into further sections, with each section representing a different level of reality.
The mandalas created by the Dalai Lama are some of the most well-known and revered.
Mandalas are considered to be powerful tools for connecting with the divine and accessing higher states of consciousness.
This is a selection of 6 commonly used mandalas in Tibetan tantric Buddhism and painted on cotton canvas by artists, devotes and practitioners:

Benefits of the Mandala practice
The mandala is usually used for protection, purification, and transformation of oneself.
Tibetan Buddhist practitioners use it to invoke and work with the energies of :
- deities
- ancestors
- natural world
Physical and mental well-being
The tantric practice can help improve focus and concentration, reducing stress and anxiety.
A relaxed and focused mind can in turn give space to an enhanced creativity and self-awareness.
Fundamental communication skills
In addition with promoting physical and mental well-being, awareness can help the practitioner to significantly improve fundamental communication skills such as:
- focused listening
- clarity of thought
- emotional stability
- empathy and understanding
- patience and tolerance
- flexibility and openness
Problem-solving skills
With strong fundamental communication skills advance practitioners naturally tend to start focusing on improving their problem-solving skills such as:
- damage control (via emotional stability)
- persevere through difficult tasks (via patience and practice)
- adapte to a quickly changing environment (via flexibility and openness)
- come up with new ideas (via creativity)
- organize efficient systems (via clarity of thought)
- develop critical and analytical views (via empathy and understanding)
- become more mindful of the present moment and the choices required
Spiritual growth
Finally self-esteem and spiritual growth are rooted in the combination of all previously mentioned steps.
A leader’s spiritual growth is an ongoing process that can be enhanced by a variety of spiritual practices.
Spiritual growth is a never-ending journey influenced by many factors, including personal beliefs, values and life experiences.
Spiritual growth can usually be “enhanced” by:
- studying different spiritual views
- practicing with discipline
- spending time in nature
- developing a personal relationship with a Higher Power
- service to others and acts of kindness
On the contrary it is crucial to remain aware that spiritual growth can be “hindered” by:
- negative thoughts and emotions
- wrongly interpreted experiences
- ego, pride, and other forms of self-centeredness
To conclude the Tibetan Mandala tantric practice is one tool among others used by practitioners to help grow the spirit while reducing negative interferences.