All posts by kamalthakur

About kamalthakur

Who is Padmasambhava?

For 2,500 years have considered with awe the achievement of . What induces such tremendous respect in them is not just that he gained , but that he did so without a teacher. Contemplating the difficulties that the had to overcome has given a very great appreciation of the value of a spiritual teacher. As Buddhism developed, and the three yanas unfolded, the role and significance of the spiritual teacher changed. .

The Lineage Tree – visualization of Refuge Tree

has such a unifying symbol, known variously as a Refuge assembly, Field of Merit, or . It is known as a Refuge assembly because it is a visualized gathering of figures representing the three Refuges. It is known as a Field of Merit because by visualizing a great array of figures and then making to them, and by performing other skillful actions, such as committing oneself to path .

The Dark Armies of the Dharma

, the Lord of , gazes out across the world, his white radiance soothing the of living beings. With one pair of hands, he clasps to his heart the wish-fulfilling gem of his to eradicate the world's pain. In his upper left hand, he holds of spiritual receptivity, the to leave the mud of and reach up toward the of true . Above his head, we sense .
yidam deities

Yidam – Peaceful and Wrathful Buddhist deities

In , it will not be long before to hear someone talk about their . Especially if they have been meditating for some years you will gather from the way they talk that it is something of the greatest importance for them. This word literally means oath, , or promise, and connotes the deity to whose you are committed to whom you are linked by a promise or vow, .

Shading, Colouring and Grading of Thangkas and Mandalas

Another main step is to apply washes for and gradual transitions of tone. Shading is called  in which is one of the special feature of . Shading is an important feature of , taking up a large portion of the , and is done very carefully and precisely. Shading in this context does not mean the treatment of light and within the whole , for the distribution of light and dark is .

The Art Of Mastering and outlining of Tibetan Thangkas

Almost every object depicted in a required outlining or linear detail. Outlining proper (bead) served to set off most objects from their surroundings, and it was used to demarcate the main subdivisions within them. also used line to develop the form or texture inside a given area, for instance within a swirling mass of flames or within the hair of a deity. Furthermore, fine linear drawings were the main way of .