Kalachakra Mandala

Kalachakra – Mandala and Stupas around the world

Kalacakra in a Yi-dam( protector) who turns . Kalacakra is the title of a in one of the divisions of the .

It is possible that Kalacakra is a personification of that work. Kalacakra is usually as a with four head on each of which is the .

He may have twelve or twenty-four arms but never has more than two legs. In his Yi-dam form, he is dark blue. His is covered by a tiger . He wears a belt formed of .

He has always represented stepping to the left on two prostrate personages under the right footholds and a the one under the left a trident and Khatvanga.

is a combination of two words Kala (meaning: ) and  (meaning: wheel).

Kalacakra and it’s Sacred Symbolism

Kalacakra represents the omniscience. In the , there are concentric signifying different meanings. In the center, there is a flower that represents the blossom like a lotus. The structures on four sides are the Palace in . The  making a circle are .

The Kalachakra mandala is definitely one of the most eye-catching and appreciated for the symbolic that compose it and the visual representation of important of .

However, as explained by His Holiness the , many mistaken interpretations have circulated among people who viewed the Kalachakra mandala simply as a work of .

The Kalacakra is considered the most advanced practice of the tradition. This complex system of teachings was originated in and incorporated into tradition.

Tibetan Kalachakra Mandala

Kalachakra Mandala

How to Display Kalachakra Mandala?

First of all, it is important to know how to display the Kalachakra mandala correctly.

Notice the four different colors red, yellow/orange, white, and black of the main inner elements.

The mandala must be oriented with the black side facing down.

 Kalachakra Mandala

Kalachakra Mandala


The Three Main Rings of Kalachakra Mandala

The outer ring is called a circle or protective ring. It is decorated with golden flames and the combination of these colors creates a rainbow that symbolizes the five aspects of the primordial wisdom and the .

After the ring, there are four inner rings representing the four main elements: , , , and .

The central part of the mandala had 3 distinct inner layers called the body, speech, and .

The geometric structure is the projection of a majestic palace with four gates and five floors.

Tibetan Kalachakra Mandala

Tibetan Kalachakra Mandala

There also exist three different Kalachakra, or “bodies” which regard as vital to the understanding of life, linking our “being” to the .

This very concept that has prompted the Kalachakra Mandala to its current notoriety., a simple yet effective way to practice and more importantly .

External Kalachakra  This can be considered as the basic sciences: Astrology, , and Mathematics

Internal Kalachakra  The structure of the human body and it’s Energy System which is known as Chakras.

Other Kalachakra  The  and practice of the Kalachakra which leads us from our ordinary state to the state of -hood or .

Kalachakra Shakti

The Kalachakra Mandala is also represented with one of the most important and well-known symbol of the Tibetan tradition: the Sanskrit seed syllables of the Kalachakra system known as “the mighty ten stacked syllables”.

Each syllable that composes the has a different color and they are represented all interconnected on top of a lotus flower and surrounded by a .

Kalacakra Stupas

The exact meaning of Kalacakra refers symbolism of stupa as well as Buddhist understanding about the universe as mentioned in Kalachakra’s teachings.

are the structure that expresses the nature of the mind in a perfect way. It embodies both states of Buddha with body, mind, and speech, the ten levels, as well as the universe.

, Guntur district, India

The oldest of all Kalacakra Stupas is Dhanyakataka Stupa. The stupa is not in a complete form, however, there is a with a few replicas of the original Dhanyakataka Stupa.

Dhanyakataka Stupa

Dhanyakataka Stupa

, Mirik, India

Bokar Monastery, Mirik, India

Bokar , Mirik, India

Stupa in ,

Stupa in Karma Guen, Spain Stupa in Guen, Spain

This stupa is situated in the South of Spain and was built under the guidance of . It was the first stupa assisted by Tsechu Tsechu Rinpoche. He had mentioned this stupa to be the “Mother Stupa”, for the stupas in the west. It is located in Diamond Way Buddhist ( ) center.

Stupa in , India

Stupa in Dharamsala, India

Stupa in Dharamsala, India

This structure is inside the residence of the Dalai  in Dharamsala, India.

Stupa in , Austria

Stupa in Garanas, Austria

Stupa in Garanas, Austria

The stupa was built on the of the Kalachakra Centre in southwest Styria, Austria. It is the same copy of the stupa located at the residence of the Dalai Lama in Dharamsala, India.

 Stupa at Kurukulla Center, Boston

stupa at Kurukulla Center, Boston

stupa at Kurukulla Center, Boston

The of Kurukulla Center started in September 1989, when the late Losang Jampa, who was the resident teacher at Center, suggested to Rinpoche that he might be able to reach more people if he lived in Boston rather than Vermont. Rinpoche agreed, and thus, Kurukulla Center came into being.


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