Explaining Lama Teacher Gampopa
Gampopa was a Tibetan Buddhist teacher in the Kagyu lineage, as well as a doctor and tantric master who founded the Dagpo Kagyu school. Lord Gampopa teaches his student Dusum Khyenpa, the 1st Karmapa. Lord Gampopa is with a portion of the Thousand Buddhas of this Aeon above and the teaching lineages of Asanga and Nagarjuna at the bottom.
Table of Contents
The life of Gampopa
In this portion, we are going to learn about the life of Gampopa. And after that, we will learn about the short etymological description of the word Gampopa itself.
Etymology of Gampopa
Gampopa is also known as Dvagpopa.
Previously, we learn about the life of Gampopa. Now we are going to learn about the Iconography of Gampopa.
Iconography of the Gampopa
In iconography, we will learn about his body posture, hand and leg gesture, and different rep[presentation of Gampopa in thangka and statue.
stance of the Gampopa
The two hands of Gampopa are placed at the heart perform the mudra of Dharma teaching and grasp the stems of two lotus blossoms supporting an upright gold vajra and bell. The crown of the head is adorned with a red cap and he wears the orange and red patchwork robes of a fully ordained monk bhikshu.
Gampopa is seated with the legs folded in vajra posture. Gampopa sits atop a multi-colored lotus and lion supported ornate throne surrounded by spheres of radiating light.
Previously, we learn about the life of Gampopa and the Iconography of Gampopa. Now we are going to learn about depicting Gampopa
Depicting Lama Teacher Gampopa Thangka
The thangka of Lama teacher Gampopa is from Tibet. It was made in between 1500 AD to 1599 AD. Gampopa is from Karma (Kagyu) lineage. The size of the painting is 87.00×60.33cm. Ground mineral pigment on cotton and fine gold is used to color it. Presently, this painting is in the Rubin Museum of Art.
By Depicting this thangka, we will see how Gampopa is presented with Dakpo Da Od Zhonnu Gampopa, and Karmapa Dusum Khyenpa, etc.
Dakpo Da Od Zhonnu Gampopa
Dakpo Da Od Zhonnu Gampopa is at the left of the thangka. Dakpo Da Od Zhonnu Gampopa is seated in a traditional manner.
Karmapa Dusum Khyenpa
Karmapa Dusum Khyenpa is at the right of the thangka. Karmapa Dusum Khyenpa is gazing towards his teacher and exhibiting the characteristic appearance of a protruding jaw.
In the right handheld extended across the knee, he holds a folio-style Dharma book. In the left held to the heart, he holds a lotus stem blossoming with pink petals on the left side. On the head he wears the black vajra crown, a gift of the Dakinis, the singular shared physical characteristic of all Karmapas.
Gampopa is wrapped in a meditation cloak he sits atop a cushioned seat above a throne surrounded by emanating rays of light.
Previously, we learn about the life of Gampopa, the Iconography of Gampopa, and depicting Gampopa. Now we are going to learn about Gampopa with 46 Buddhas.
Gampopa with 46 Buddhas Thangka
The thangka of Lama teacher Gampopa with 46 Buddhas is from Tibet. It was made in between 1700 AD to 1799 AD. Gampopa is from Kagyu, Drukpa (Kagyu), and Buddhist lineage. The size of the painting is 81.28×57.15cm. Ground mineral pigment on cotton gold is used to color it. Presently, this painting is in the Rubin Museum of Art.
By Depicting this thangka, we will see how Gampopa is presented with Akshobhyavajra, Lokeshvara, Simhabhadra, and Dusum Khyenpa, etc.
Along the top in rows, there are 46 buddha figures all identical who is with one face and two hands. The right hand is in the mudra of earth witness. And the left placed in the lap in the mudra of meditation.
They are attired in the orange-red robes of a monk they sit with the legs folded in vajra posture.
Akshobhyavajra is at the upper left of the thangka. Akshobhyavajra is blue in color with three faces and six hands embracing the consort and seated in vajra posture.
Lokeshvara is at the right of the thangka. Lokeshvara is red in color with three faces and six hands.
Simhabhadra who is known as Haribhadra Lawa, Asanga, the buddha Shakyamuni, a bodhisattva, Vasubandhu, Namdze, and Chen Cho is in the first row in the bottom of the thangka.
The second row contains Suvarnadvipa, Chandrakirti, Aryadeva, the bodhisattva Manjushri, Nagarjuna, Pandita Rigpa Kyu Yugpa, Rigpa Kyu Yugpa the younger, Palden Atisha, and Tonpa Tsultrim Bar.
Dusum Khyenpa
Dusum Khyenpa, a student of Gampopa, was the founder of the Karma (Kamtsang) branch of the Kagyu Lineage. He served as Abbot of Daklha Gampo monastery after Gampopa and founded Tsurphu monastery – becoming the seat of the future incarnate Karmapa lamas.
Previously, we learn about the life of Gampopa, the Iconography of Gampopa, depicting Gampopa, and representation Gampopa with 46 Buddhas. Now we are going to study about the presentation of Gampopa with Vajravaharahi.
Gampopa with Vajravaharahi Thangka
The thangka of Lama teacher Gampopa withVajravaharahi is from Tibet. It was made in between 1800 AD to 1899 AD. Gampopa is from Karma (Kagyu) and Buddhist lineage. Ground mineral pigment on cotton gold is used to color it.
By Depicting this thangka, we will learn about Gampopa.
At the lower left of the tangka, there is the presence of Vajravarahi. Vajravarahi is red in color with one face and two hands. On the right side of the thangka, there is the presence of Shri Devi riding a mule embracing Bernagchen Mahakala.
Previously, we learn about the life of Gampopa, the Iconography of Gampopa, depicting Gampopa, and representation Gampopa with 46 Buddhas. And finally, we learn about the representation of Gampopa with Vajravaharahi.