Postures of Buddha – Standing, Sitting, Sleeping
Posture is the position of the Buddha in which Buddha holds his body when standing, sitting,walking, running and sleeping.
According to the modern practice there are two kinds of posture to hold your body. Dynamic posture and static posture.
Dynamic posture is how you hold yourself when you are moving, like when you are walking, running, or bending over to pick up something.
Static posture is how you hold yourself when you are not moving, like when you are sitting, standing, or sleeping.
According to the Buddhist traditions the posture are called as the Asana. There are different asanas of Buddha. The style of Buddha statues might vary regionally, they can be recognized by their asanas, hand gestures, or mudras, which each convey a spiritual meaning.
There are various different asanas of Buddha and many different Buddhist and Hindu Deities which are described below.
Table of Contents
What is the meaning of Asana?
Asana is traditionally defined as a seat. Asana is a posture used for meditation. The word Asana comes from yoga Yuj which means to bind or to yoke.
Asana means to be seated in a firm, pleasant, and relaxed position. It is also a term commonly used to refer to a hatha yoga postures. Yoga postures, while having many great benefits, is not what Patanjali was referring to in his sutras.
What is Padmasana?
Padmasana is composed of two words Padma and Asana. Padma means lotus flower and Asana means the posture pose or the position. So in other words Padmasana is also known as Lotus Position.
Padmasana is crossed leg s a cross-legged sitting asana originating in meditative practices of ancient India, in which each foot is placed on the opposite thigh.
It is an established asana, commonly used for meditation, in the Yoga, Hindu, Jain, and Buddhist contemplative traditions.
The asana is said to resemble a lotus, to encourage breathing properly through associated meditative practice, and to foster physical stability.
Asana also means a throne or a pedestal. If the pedestal of lotus is arranged in single petal row it is called Padmasana.
If the lotuses are arranged in a double row it is called Viswapadmasana.
How to do Padmasana in 6 steps?
Those people who are having problem in digestion, muscular tension, high blood pressure etc, they can practice Padmasana in easy 6 steps.
- At very first sit on the floor or on a mat and take a deep breath and release then stretch your leg in front of you for a while keeping the spine erect.
- Bend the right knee and place it on the left thigh. Make sure that the sole of the feet point upward and the heel is close to the abdomen.
- Now, repeat the same step with the other leg.
- With both the legs crossed and feet placed on opposite thighs, place your hands on the knees in mudra position.
- Keep the head straight and spine erect.
- Hold and continue with gentle long breaths in and out.
What are the benefits of Padmasana?
There are many benefits of lotus position.
- Opens up the hips
- Stretches the ankles and knees
- Increases awareness and attentiveness
- Keeps the spine straight
- Helps develop good posture
- Helps keeps joints and ligaments flexible
- Stimulates the spine, pelvis, abdomen, and bladder
- Restores energy levels
- Improves digestion
- Reduces muscular tension and brings blood pressure under control
- Relaxes the mind
- Helps pregnant ladies during childbirth
- Reduces menstrual discomfort
- Fight Insomnia
The pedestal supported by lion is called Shinghasana. It is also known as Lion Pose.
Lion posture is one of the best Face excercise. Lion pose makes people overwhelmed and it stimulates the platysma, which is a thin, rectangular-shaped muscle in the front of throat. This exercise will keep the platysma strong as you age.
How to do Shinghasana in 4 steps?
Shinghasana can be done in 4 steps easily.
- First of all you need to sit on the heels with the knees underneath.
- Secondly, place the palms next to the knees.
- In third step all you need to be concern is about exhaling. While exhaling, hang the tongues out from the mouth.
- Exhale with full force, making the sound “aaa” so that the face and chest become red.
you can perform this Asana according to your capacity (Thirty seconds up to three minutes)
What are the benefits of Shinghasana?
The main benefit of this asana is to keep you young. As we know it is facial posture it will improves the circulation of the blood in your face and chest.
- Relieves tension in the face and chest
- Improves Eyesight
- Keeps your eyes healthy by stimulating the nerves
- Helps prevent sore throat, asthma, and other respiratory ailments
- It is generally good for the lungs and the breathing system.
- May help treat bad breath
- Is said to eradicate disease
- It makes the whole body active, makes the voice sweet and improves clarity of speech.
The pedestal supported by the tortoise is called Kurmasana. To practice Kurmasana the practitioner sits with the legs outstretched, feet as wide apart as possible.
The knees are bent slightly, keeping the heels in contact with the floor. The body is leaned forward from the hips and the hands slid under the knees.
The body leans forward (bending at the hips) to allow the hands and arms to slide sideways and backward (under the knees) until the elbows lie near the back of the knees. The heels are pushed forward and legs are straightened as much as possible.
The forehead or chin is brought to touch the floor. The arms are further brought around the back to interlock the hands under the buttocks.
How to do Kurmasana in 4 steps?
- Sit down with your legs spread out and back erect. Place your arms alongside your hips. Keep your legs arms’ distance apart and press your thighs into the ground. Raise your chest and take a few deep breaths.
- Bend your knees and bring your feet closer to your hips. Stretch your arms forward in between the legs and bend your torso down and forward along with the arms.
- Bend your knees further to facilitate your shoulders to go beneath your knees. Then, shift your stretched arms to the sides. Now, bring your thighs inwards and through them, apply pressure on your shoulders to bring your face and chest forward and down. Straighten your legs and make sure your inner thighs touch your side ribs.
- Bring down your head with your chin touching the ground, and gaze downwards. Extend your arms sidewards as much as you can. Relax and breath deeply. Hold the pose for a few seconds. Relax.
What are the benefits of Kurmasana?
The benefits of Kurmasana are listed below:
- Kurmasana gives a good stretch the spine and tones it.
- It tones all the organs in the abdomen.
- It is good for those suffering from diabetes, constipation and belly fat.
- It removes pain in the back and neck.
- Kurmasana can help to relieve some headaches.
- It stretches your legs, back, shoulders and chest also.
- It improves the functions of the respiratory and digestive systems.
- It lengthens the back muscles.
- The stance helps you to spread out both your shoulders and your hips.
- The spine is stretched longer during the act of this yoga asana.
- Anxiety buster.
- Beneficial in Asthma, constipation and flatulence.
- Useful in sleeping disorder like Insomnia.
- Beneficial in the problems related to the back or spine.
Sayana Asana
It is a sleeping pose of Hindu god Vishnu. Sayanasana is an advanced inversion and one of the asanas in the fourth series of Ashtanga yoga. The name is derived from the Sanskrit word, sayana, meaning “resting” or “repose,” and asana, meaning “pose.”
How to do Sayana asana in 4 steps?
- To perform sayanasana,the practitioner should in lie downward and brings the forearms to rest on the floor, with the hands stacked one on top of the other and the elbows directly under the shoulders.
- From 1st foundation you should brings the legs up into pincha mayurasana.
- Once you will finds the balance, you should bring the hands up to the chin and balance only on the elbows.
- To release the posture, the hands come back to the floor and the you can assume chaturanga.
What are the benefits of Sayana asana?
Poses in the Sayanasana helps to build the strength and balance. The others benefits are listed below:
- It helps in toning your abdominal muscles.
- Strengthens and stretches the two sides of your torso.
- It also improves the flexibility of your muscles and spine in your legs.
- Minimizes the obesity level of your thighs and hips through stretching action.
- Promotes excellent blood circulation in your leg muscles.
- Smoothens varicose veins.
- Helps people to prevent issues like hernia by properly toning muscles.
- The asana helps in increasing the overall body balance.
- The 1st chakra is effectively stimulated with this yoga pose and thus you activate your root energy.
- Like nearly every balancing pose, children enjoy it greatly.
Nrityamurti Asana
A pose of dancing Shiva and other various tantric gods are found in this position.
Dhayana Asana
The Meditative pose is also called padmasana. In this position the legs are crossed closely locked with the soles of both feet visible. All Buddhas and Bodhisatwas seated are found in this position.
Lalita Asana
A pose of ease – one leg pendant and often resting on a lotus flower. The other leg is in the usual position of Buddha. Taras, the consort of Dhyani Buddha, Saraswati, Basundhara are found in this Asana
Paryanka Asana
Seated with right knee raised and left leg in the usual position of Buddha. Right arm hanging loosely over the right knee. Hindu deities are often shown in this posture.
Rajalila Asana
Seated with right knee raised and left leg in the usual position of Buddha. Right arm hanging loosly over the right knee. Hindu deities are often shown in this posture.
Sampada Asana
A pose standing either in straight or in various degrees of flexion of body or legs. Boddhisatwas are found in this position.
Alidh Asana
A pose stepping to the left with right leg straight and left leg bent. The aggressive forms of god, the Dakinis and the wrathful deities are found in this position.