Interpreting Lama Teacher Sonam Lhundrup
Lowo Khenchen Sonam Lhundrup was the son of the 2nd Mustang Dharma King Agon Sangpo and traveled to Central Tibet several times to study at the great Sakya and Ngor monasteries.
Table of Contents
The viability of the Sonam Lhundrup
In this portion, we are going to grab about the viability of the Sonam Lhundrup. After that, we will present the short etymological description of the Lowo Khenchen Sonam Lhundrup itself.
Etymology of Sonam Lhundrup
Lowo Khenchen Sonam Lhundrup is known as glo bo mkhan chen bsod nams lhun grub in Tibet.
Lowo Khenchen Sonam Lhundrup was surrounded by various teachers and deities from the Hevajra cycle of Tantras.
Earlier we learn the Viability of the Sonam Lhundrup. Now we are going to learn about the iconography of Sonam Lhundrup.
Iconography of the Sonam Lhundrup
In the iconography of the Lowo Khenchen Sonam Lhundrup, we will learn about his body posture, hand and leg gesture, and different representations of Lowo Khenchen Sonam Lhundrup in thangkas and stupas.
Posture of the Sonam Lhundrup
As the center of the thangka, there is Sonam Lhundrup who is wearing the red and orange robes of a monk and red Pandita hat.
Sonam Lhundrup is with a light growth of black facial hair holds the right hand to the heart in the mudra (gesture) of blessing.
The left-hand of Sonam Lhundrup holds a religious text in the lap.
Sonam Lundrup is seated on cushions above a tiered throne with a silk brocade backrest. A large blue offering stand filled with jewels is placed in front.
Earlier we learn the Viability of the Sonam Lhundrup, and iconography of Sonam Lhundrup. Now we are going to learn about depicting Sonam Lhundrup.
Depicting Sonam Lhundrup Thangka
The thangka of Lowo Khenchen Sonam Lhundrup is from Tibet. It is made between 1500 AD to 1599 AD. Lowo Khenchen Sonam Lhundrup is from Sakya and Ngor lineage. The base of the painting is cotton, ground mineral pigment, fine gold line are used to make the painting. Presently, this painting is in the Rubin Museum of Art.
In depicting this thangka, we will learn about the presentation of Sonam Lhundrup with different deities such as Wrathful Bodhisattva Bhutadamara Vajrapani, Shri Hevajra in Heruka, Namka Sanggye, Sherab Jungne, Older lama, Kunga, wealth Jambhala, Panjarnata Mahakala, and finally about Hevajra cycle of Tantras.
Wrathful Bodhisattva Bhutadamara Vajrapani
Wrathful Bodhisattva Bhutadamara Vajrapani is at the top left of the thangka. Wrathful Bodhisattva Bhutadamara Vajrapani is dark blue in color with one face and four hands. Bodhisattva Bhutadamara Vajrapani is surrounded by an orange nimbus of fire.
Shri Hevajra in Heruka form
Shri Hevajra in Heruka form is at the right of the thangka. Shri Hevajra is blue in color with one face and two hands. Shri Hevajra is holding two skullcups and embracing the consort Vajra Nairatmya.
Namka Sanggye
Namka Sanggye is at the upper left of the thangka. The right-hand of Namka Saggye in the mudra of blessing and the left hand of Namka Saggye is holding a jewel in the lap.
Sherab Jungne
Sherab Jungne is with both hands placed over the knees below the thangka. and the left holding a book. Below that is another lama performing the mudra of blessing and holding a small box to the heart with the left hand.
Older lama
Older lama with a light growth of greyish facial hair at the top right of the thangka. Older lama is wearing a yellow hat that performs the Dharma Teaching mudra.
Kunga performs the ‘earth touching’ mudra. The left-hand holds a long-life vase in the lap. Below that, another lama performs the ‘earth’ mudra with the right hand and the blessing mudra at the heart with the left. At the bottom right of the thangka, there is the last lama who performs the ‘earth’ mudra and holds a wishing jewel in the lap with the left hand.
Wealth Jambhala
There is the god of wealth Jambhala is at the lower center of the thangka. Jambhala is yellow in color. Jambhala is with one face and two hands holding the fruit in the right hand and a mongoose in the left. Jambhala is surrounding him are bolts of fine cloth, wishing jewels of various colors and boxes filled with wealth.
Panjarnata Mahakala
Panjarnata Mahakala is black in color at the lower right of the thangka. Panjarnata Mahakala is with one face and two hands holding a curved knife and skullcup. Panjarnata Mahakala is surrounded by the flames of pristine awareness.
Hevajra cycle of Tantras
These deities along with the two at the top belong to the Hevajra cycle of Tantras. The central figure and five of the surrounding teachers have name inscriptions written in fine gold lettering below each.
Some of his more famous students were Konchog Lhundrub – 10th Ngor Khenchen, Dagchen Ngagwang Dragpa Gyaltsen, Jonang Kunga Drolchog, Lhachog Sengge, and Ngari Panchen Pema Wangyal.
Earlier we learn the Viability of the Sonam Lhundrup, iconography of Sonam Lhundrup, and depicting Sonam Lhundrup. Now we are going to learn about the presentation of Sonam Lhundrup with Sakya Trizin.
Sonam Lhundrup with Sakya Trizin Thangka
Sonam Lhundrup with Sakya Trizin was painted around 1500-1599 AD. The base of the painting is cotton and the ground mineral pigment is used to color it. Sonam Lhundrup belongs to Sakya, Ngor, and Buddhist Lineage. This Masterpiece Thangka Art is from a private collection.
By depicting this thangka, we will study about the presentation of Sonam Lhundrup.
Lowo Khenchen Sonam Lhundrup was surrounded by life story narrative vignettes. The person standing to the proper right of Lowo Khenchen is Jamyang Kunga Sonam Dragpa who is known as the 23rd Sakya Trizin. The person on the proper left is Ngagchang Chenpo Kunga Rinchen who is known as the 24th Sakya Trizin.
Sonam Lhundrub was a teacher to both of these important religious and political figures. The narrative unfolds from the viewer’s top right and proceeds clockwise around the painting with the birth of Sonam Lhundrub up to and including his death and cremation.
Earlier we learn the Viability of the Sonam Lhundrup, iconography of Sonam Lhundrup, depicting Sonam Lhundrup. and representation of Sonam Lhundrup with Sakya Trizin. Now we are going to learn about the presentation of Sonam Lhundrup with Jambhala.
Sonam Lhundrup with Jambhala Thangka
The thangka of Sonam Lhundrup is from Tibet. Sonam Lhundrup with Jambhala was painted around 1500-1599 AD. The size of the painting is 90x70cm. The base of the painting is cotton and the ground mineral pigment and gold are used to color it. Sonam Lhundrup belongs to Sakya and NgorLineage. This Masterpiece Thangka Art is from the Rubin Museum of Art.
By depicting this thangka, we will learn about the presentation of Sonam Lhundrup with different deities such as Primordial Buddha Vajradhara, Jamyang Sherab Rinchen and Je Konchog Pel, Drubchen Chagna Dorje and Dagchen Cho, Yellow Jambhala, and Yellow Vasudhara, etc.
At the center of the thangka, there is Jampai Dorje depicted with an older visage and wearing a rounded red Pandita hat typical of the Sakya tradition of Tibetan Buddhism.
His right hand is held at the heart in a gesture of blessing and the left folded in the lap supporting a religious text with a partially legible title page.
Jampi Dorje is wearing finely decorated robes he sits atop a lotus and Chinese style throne with an ornate backrest.
The large seated figure immediately to the left of Jampai Dorje is Panchen Dragpa Dorje. At the right of the thangka, there is Lowo Kenchen Sonam Lhundrub.
Primordial Buddha Vajradhara
Primordial Buddha Vajradhara is at the top center of the thangka.
Jamyang Sherab Rinchen and Je Konchog Pel
Jamyang Sherab Rinchen and Je Konchog Pel are the Tibetian teachers. They are in the left corner of the thangka.
Drubchen Chagna Dorje and Dagchen Cho
Drubchen Chagna Dorje and Dagchen Cho are in the right corner of the thangka.
Yellow Jambhala
Yellow Jambhala is at the bottom left of the thangka. Yellow Jambhala is richly attired. Yellow Jambhala is holding a Bijapuraka fruit in the right hand and mongoose in the left.
Yellow Vasudhara
Yellow Vasudhara is at the bottom right of the thangka. The left hand of Yellow Vasudhara extended in the gesture of generosity and the left holding a stalk of grain.
Earlier we learn the Viability of the Sonam Lhundrup, iconography of Sonam Lhundrup, depicting Sonam Lhundrup. and representation of Sonam Lhundrup with Sakya Trizin. Finally we learn about the representation of Sonam Lhundrup with Jambhala.