About Vasudhara

Vasudhārā, whose name means "stream of gems" in Sanskrit, is the Buddhist bodhisattva of wealth, prosperity, and abundance. She is popular in many Buddhist countries and is a subject in Buddhist legends and art. Originally an Indian bodhisattva, her popularity has spread to southern Buddhist countries. Her popularity, however, peaks in Nepal where she has a strong following among the Buddhist Newars of the Kathmandu Valley and is thus a central figure in Newar Buddhism. She is named Shiskar Apa in Lahul and Spiti. She is related to Hindu great goddess Lakshmi, and her Sanskrit name Vasundhara indicates she is the source of the eight "bountiful Vasus." Therefore, according to the epic Mahabharat, she is the bounty that is the waters of the river Ganges—the goddess, Ganga whose origin is the snows of the Himalayas.

Products related to Vasudhara

Goddess of Wealth & Abundance – Vasudhara

is named Shiskar Apa in Lahul and Spiti. She is comparable to the in and Tai folk and Bhumidevi and in . She is also known as Goddess of  and Abundance. Who is Vasudhara? Vasudhara (Tib. Norgyunma), the of money, , and abundance, is a of riches, prosperity, and abundance. She is revered in many Buddhist countries and is depicted in and .
Mandala of the five Buddha families, Tibet, 19th century

Tibetan Buddhist deities – The Vajrayana Pantheon

Mahayana Buddhists venerate numerous Buddhas. In Tibetan Buddhism, following the Vajrayana Buddhist tradition, the major bodhisattvas are known as the "eight great bodhisattvas", Ksitigarbha, Vajrapani, Akasagarbha, Avalokitesvara, Maitreya, Sarvanivāraṇaviṣkambhin, Samantabhadra and Manjushri. Each is associated with a different consort, direction, aggregate (or, aspect of the personality), emotion, element, color, symbol, and mount. Other female Bodhisattvas include and Cundi. Followers of Tibetan Buddhism consider reborn tulkus such as the Dalai Lamas and the Karmapas to be .
Om mani padme hum on the Gangpori (photo 1938–1939 German expedition to Tibet.

The most well-known Buddhist mantras

A mantra is a sacred utterance, a numinous sound, a syllable, word or phonemes, or group of words in Sanskrit, Pali and other spiritual languages. Some have a syntactic structure and literal meaning, while others do not. One of the most ancient Buddhist mantras is the , also known as the dependent origination dhāraṇī. This phrase is said to encapsulate the meaning of the Buddha's Dharma. It was a popular Buddhist mantra .

Emanation of Padmasambhava – Dorje Drolo

is a wrathful emanation from the group of Eight Main Manifestations. Dorje Drolo the fierce manifestation of known as Diamond Guts. Dorje Drolo is one of the Eight Manifestations of . He assumed this manifestation in in in order to bring the local deities and guardians under his control. Dorje Dorolo is known as gu ru rDo-rje gro-lod in .  Dorje Dorolo is also known as Guru .

All about Guhyasamaja Tantra

Guhyasamja is one of 's most fascinating, difficult, and essential personalities. It combines various important , into one sculpture. It is predominantly is call Akshobhayavajara which is the form of Akshobhaya buddha. Guhyasamja is the foremost meditational deity of the Method-father class of . Guhyasamaja has two main traditions, the Arya () Lineage, and the Jnana (Jnanapada) Lineage. There are three principal iconographic of Guhyasamaja; Akshobhyavajra (blue), (orange), .

Interpreting Buddha of longevity – White Tara

is known as the female of . White , also called "the Mother of all Buddhas" is the perfect embodiment of graceful power, , and . As with Tara's expressions in the other five colors, the vibrations of white color express the specific energy of White Tara. The Viability of the White Tara In this portion, we are going to gab about the viability of the White Tara. After that, we will learn about .

Interpreting Lama Teacher Sonam Lhundrup

Lowo Khenchen was the son of the 2nd Mustang Agon Sangpo and traveled to Central several to at the great and . The viability of the Sonam Lhundrup In this portion, we are going to grab about the viability of the Sonam Lhundrup. After that, we will present the short etymological description of the Lowo Khenchen Sonam Lhundrup itself. Etymology of Sonam Lhundrup Lowo Khenchen Sonam Lhundrup is known .
White Manjushri Bodhisattva Buddhist Deity

Explaining White Manjushri Bodhisattva Buddhist Deity

White is the of , from the in the tradition of Mati Panchen. An ocean of nectar, white and cool, with many elephants, geese, and waterfowl sporting and playing, calling out with sweet sounds, in the middle of that a with a stem, branches, leaves, fruit and a marvelous sweet fragrance. Above a moon disc seat with cool rays of light shining forth to the ten directions. The Life of .
mandala pratisara

Intrepreting Mandala of Pratisara

Pratisara and the Pancha is also known as Fifty-six Deity . is a belonging to the and sects. She is sometimes presented as the consort of . The life of Pratisara In this portion, we are going to learn about the life of Pratisara, after that short etymological description of the word Pratisara itself. Etymology of the Pratisara Pratisaea is known as the Great fulfiller of wishes. Earlier, we learn about the life of Pratisara. Now .
Tibetan Buddhist Eighth Karmapa Mikyo Dorje

Explaining Lama Teacher Karmapa Rolpai Dorje

Rolpai Dorje who is known as the 4th wearing the and Khacho Wangpoa was the 2nd . The Life of Karmapa Rolpai Dorje In this portion, we are going to learn the life of the Karmapa Rolpai Dorje, after the short etymological description of the word Karmapa Rolpai Dorje itself. Etymology of Rolpai Dorje Rolpaie Dorje (1340- 1383) was the fourth Gyalwa Karmapa. Earlier, we learn about the life of Rolpaie Dorje. Now, we are going .