About Chakras

Chakras are various focal points used in a variety of ancient meditation practices, collectively denominated as Tantra, or the esoteric or inner traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism.
Tibetan Buddhist Tradition

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The 7 Chakras and the Healing Power within us

The is a word meaning wheel or a . It is the center of the energy, the focal point from where energy flows. It is believed to be the life force or that constantly moves inside us. History The earliest appearance of the Chakra is found in Vedic literature, in the scripture. Not to get confused with energy centers, it first appeared as Chakravartin or the who "turns of .

Tibetan Mandala tantric practices & benefits

practices are used to cultivate and generate energy, and to bring about transformation and . Tibetan Mandala as a can be created with a variety of materials commonly including sand, paint or fabric (appliqué). According to the Tibetan the mandala is a tool for working with the energies of the cosmos including : the bodythe mindthe In other words, the mandala can help control inner by accessing and channeling .
What is Gate Pose?

Kneeling Asana Parighasana – Gate Pose

Parighasana is known as Gate Pose.  Gate Pose is a kneeling in as exercise. Parighasana is one of the simplest for beginners to start with. The name is derived from the Parigha, referring to the bar that closes a gate, and asana, meaning "posture." It offers a number of physical, mental, and spiritual benefits to the practitioner despite its simplicity. History of Gate Pose The asana is not known before the .

How singing bowls are made in Nepal?

For many centuries, sound and are used as a that helps to promote and . The is one of the primary instruments for this purpose created by mankind. These are and spiritual made from metals when hit creates thoughtful and heavenly sound. This sound repeats as if the is demonstrating upon one’s beautiful soul. Singing bowl - Sound Healing Singing Bowl is additionally referred to as one among .

Powerful Mantra Om Namah Shivaya

Namah Shivaya is an important and popular in and Shaivism. It is the mantra dedicated to Lord . Shaivism is a sect that claims that the most important  is Shiva. The origin of this mantra dates back to thousands of years and is mentioned Yajurveda in the Shree Rudram hymn. And also in Rudrashtadhyayi which is a part of the Shukla Yajurveda. It is referred to as Shiva Panchakshara or simply Panchakshara, meaning the mantra of "five syllables" (excluding Om). The Gem of All Life (Jiva-Ratnam) is said to be the name of Shiva. 'Shiva' simply means auspicious. The Lord is so full of  that it's said that love itself is Shiva. Who is Lord Shiva? Copper Statue of Shiva Mahadev Painted Face Shiva .

Gayatri Mantra – The Mother of All Vedas

also called Maha Mantra, which is Great Mantra. The significance of the Gayatri Mantra is that - the 24 letters in the Gayatri Mantra corresponds to the 24 vertebrae of the spine. The backbone is what provides support and stability to our . Similarly, the Gayatri Mantra brings stability to our intellect. Also, these 24 letters are often believed to be a sign of twenty-four powers and abilities. This is why the sages .

Bhujangasana – The Cobra Pose

or Cobra Pose is a reclining back-bending in and as exercise. It is commonly performed in a cycle of asanas in (Salute to the ) as an alternative to Urdhva Mukha Svanasana. The name comes from the words Bhujanga, "snake" or "cobra" and asana, "posture" or "seat", from the resemblance to a cobra with its hood raised. Bhujangasana is the Sanskrit name for a popular  .

Establishment & History of Kalachakra Tantra

The word refers to the or cycle in . And, is considered to belong to a magnificent class. The origin of this tradition was first in and then it is most active in . This Tradition teaches on Cosmology, Theology, sociology, myth, prophecy, , and yoga. These are to signify the transformation of one and into perfect through various yogic methods. The Kalachakra .

Kundalini yoga – A Tantric Yoga

is derived from which is defined in Vedantic as the energy that lies dormant at the base of the spine until it is activated and channeled upward through the in the process of spiritual perfection. Kundalini is believed to be power associated with the divine feminine. Kundalini as a school of yoga is influenced by Shaktism and schools of . It derives its name through a focus on .