Deity and Divinities of Nyingma Tradition

Tradition is the old school of is the name given to the followers of those original translations of the of the into .

The Nyingma teachings are divided into the Long Transmission (Tib. ring gyü) of the and the Short Transmission (Tib. nyé gyü) of Terma; other teachings were received by directly in Pure Visions (Tib. dak nang) from or , in experiences or in dreams.

Particular to the Nyingma school is the division of the teachings into nine ‘yanas’ or vehicles.

Table of Contents

What is Nyingma Tradition?

The Nyingma Tradition is the old Secret , which classifies the Buddha’s into nine successive Vehicles. It is collectively contained in the Cause Vehicle and the Result Vehicle of Tantra.

What are the 9 Vehicles of Nyingma Tradition?

The 9 Vehicles of the Nyingma Traditions are listed below:

  1. The Hinayana Vehicle of the Sravakas
  2. The Hinayana Vehicle of
  3. The Vehicle of the
  4. The Vehicle of Tantra
  5. The Vehicle of Carya Tantra
  6. The Vehicle of
  7. The Vehicle of Tantra
  8. The Vehicle of Scriptural Transmission
  9. The Vehicle of Pith Instruction Atiyoga

The Cause Vehicle has three divisions: the Hinayana Vehicle of the Sravakas, the Hinayana Vehicle of Pratyekabuddhas, and the Mahayana Vehicle of the . In the Result Vehicle of Tantra, there are two divisions: the three Outer Vehicles, and the three great methods of the Inner Tantric Class. All these have a great many definitions and explanations concerning their view, , action, and result.

Nyingma Tantras and lineages

There are three lineages in the old translations of the Nyingma Tantras: the ‘Distant Oral Lineage’ (Tibetan: – from the direct oral teachings of the Buddha); the ‘Near Treasure Lineage’ (Tib: – from teachings of discovered treasure texts, written and concealed in holy places by , Khandro and others; for the benefit of future generations), and the ‘Lineage of Profound Pure Visions’ (Tib: – from teachings received by various Saints during visions in meditation and post-meditation).”

Shakyamuni Buddha

Buddha is also known as Gautam Buddha. He was born into the shaky family of as skillfully means.

He is the invincible, conqueror of the legions of whose lustrous is like gold. He is the homage to the lord of the .

Name Shakyamuni Buddha
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Classification Person
Appearance Buddha
Gender Male

Maitreya Buddha

Buddha is also known as the immanent buddha of . In his golden heaven, the buddha’s white crest bound the diadem to his head to confer the highest empowerment as the immanent buddhas. Maitreya Buddha is an homage t the invincible leader Namdren Mapham.

Origin Tibet
Name Maitreya Buddha
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Classification Deity
Appearance Buddha
Gender Male


Nagarjuna is also known as serpent lord. In the teaching of the incomparable Shakya segne, there is mention of another miracle teacher.

He is a path master with a vision of absolute truth. Nagarjuna is an homage to Nagarjunasena.


Asanga is also considered as the Unhindered. Asanga is a follower of the lord regent Maitreya’s reality and treasury of illumination of Shakya muni’s precious teaching. Asanga is the great teacher of the Yogacharya. Asanga is the homage to Arya Asanga.

Origin Tibet
Name Arya Asanga
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Classification Person
Appearance Monastic
Gender Male



Dinganaga is also known as the elephant. Dinganaga is the following himself. He gained the power of universal dominion and establishing the tradition of the . He is the homage to the master Dingnaga.

Origin Tibet
Name Dinganaga
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Classification Person
Appearance Monastic
Gender Male


Aryadeva is also known as the Sublime . Aryadeva is the son of the lord Nagarjunasena. He was miraculously born from the pure heart of a to elucidate the precious which was the most erudite scholar.  He is an homage to the master Aryadeva.

Origin Tibet
Name Aryadeva
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Classification Person
Appearance Monastic
Gender Male


Vasubandhu is known as a wealthy kinsman. He is comprehending the entirety of the Buddha’s teaching. He crossed the ocean of the to gain a vision of absolute awareness from his elder brother Asanga. He is the homage to the master Vasubandhu.

Origin Tibet
Name Vasubandhu
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Classification Person
Appearance Monastic
Gender Male



is known as Dharma fame. Dharmakirtiis the son of the peerless Dingnaga. He humbled and converted the followers of . He is the great warrior alone shaking the outsider’s strength. He is the homage to the glorious Dharmakriti.

Origin Tibet
Name Dharmakirti
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Classification Person
Appearance Monastic
Gender Male


Samantabhadra is known as the all-good father’s mother. He is the primal lord with changeless light. He is located at the center of all the . He is the professor of complete and absolute awareness. He is the homage to Yabyum.

Origin Tibet
Name Samantabhadra
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Classification Deity
Appearance Buddha
Gender Male


Mahavajradhara is known as the bearer. He is the master of unchanging, all-penetrating absolute awareness. He is immutable quintessence of great bliss. He is a mine of Incomparable wish-fulfilling Gems. He is the homage of Dorje Ch’ang.

Origin Tibet
Name Mahavajradhara
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Classification Person
Appearance Peaceful
Gender Male


Vajra is known as Vajra hero. He is the divine illusion of clear light and absolute awareness. He is blazing in the glory of perfect form and symmetry, threefold being. He is spontaneously perfected Buddha He is an homage to Dorge Sempa.

Origin Tibet
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Classification Person
Appearance Peaceful
Gender Male


Mahavajradharma is known as the vajra bearer of buddha body, speech, and . Mahavajradharma is the supreme secret of every victor. He is the lord of miraculous power. He is the glory of creation. He is the homage of Ch’os.

Origin Tibet
Name Mahavajradharma
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Classification Deity
Appearance Peaceful
Gender Male

Queen of Karma

Queen of is radiance of great bliss shining in the empty sky. She is assuming a buddha body to lead the way without hindrance. She is seductive . She is considered as the friends of yoginis. She is an homage to Laykyiwangmo.

Origin Tibet
Name Queen of karma
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Classification Person
Appearance Peaceful
Gender Female

Vetala Sukha

Vatala Sukha is known as indestructible ecstacy. Vatala Sukha is considered as the transcendent perfection of and means and manifestation of complete liberation and absolute awareness. Vatala Sukha is the supreme root of branch of creation and the homage to .

Origin Tibet
Name Vatala Sukha
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Classification Person


Manjushrimitra is known as a sweet-voiced friend He is the winner of the unsurpassable achievement. He is the fountain of a wish-fulfilling world. He showered true teaching upon beings. He is an homage to Jempal Shenyen.

Origin Tibet
Name Manjushrimitra
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Classification Person
Gender Male


is showering baskets of secret teaching. According to the buddha, Gautam’s thought Dorje sempa’s visitation he won the mastery of absolute awareness. He is the homage to Gyalpo Dza.

Origin Tibet
Name Indrabhuti
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Classification Person
Gender Male

King of Dogs

of dogs is gaining mastery of the web illusion. He perfected the of infinite variety. To revel in the land of the Dorje Chand. He is an homage to Kuku raja.

Origin Tibet
Name King of Dogs
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Classification Person
Gender Male

The Lion

The lion is in the sky potent loving understanding. As the clear light of the of absolute awareness, he banished the darkness of the ten directions. He is an homage to Shri Singha.

Origin Tibet
Name The lion
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Classification Person
Gender Male

Gnostic Scripture

Gnostic Scripture is arisen out of the mandala of and compassion. He radiated the benevolent light of absolute awareness. To illumine the travelers innermost path. He is an homage to Yeshey Do.

Origin Tibet
Name Gnostic Scripture
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Classification Person
Gender Male


is with the unsurpassable light. He is void of loving understanding opening the page of world. He shattered the darkness of beings. He is an homage to Vimalamitra.

Origin Tibet
Name Vimalamitra
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Classification Person
Gender Male


is known as secrets Buddha. He is born in Magadha gaining at . He revealed the supreme path of the Mahajala and other Tantras through teaching, debate and writing. He is an homage to Sangay Sengwa.

Origin Tibet
Name Buddhaguhya
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Classification Person
Gender Male


Lilavajra is known as graceful vajra. Lilavajra is born at Shamshar in the land of Orgyan. He is attaining his goal through the study of and Tantras. He skillfully revealed the estoeric path his many commentaries. He is an homage to Gekpa Dorje.

Origin Tibet
Name Lilavajra
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Gender Male

The Lotus Born Guru

The lotus born is from the pollen bed of the self sprung lotus, the lotus arose like the rising sun. He is sending forth a cloud of blazing . He is an homage to .

Origin Tibet
Name The Lotus Born Guru
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Classification Deity
Appearance Monastic
Gender Male


Padmasambhava is known as the guru. He is also known as miracle buddha and lotus born, vajra being, unborn and undying. He did the of the buddhas of the three. He is an homage to Jungnay.

Origin Tibet
Name Padmasambhava
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Classification Deity
Appearance King
Gender Male


Shantirakshita is also known as lake of serenity. He is reposting at the lotus feet of vira, honoring him as his supreme teacher. He received the breadth and depth of Dharma. He is an homage to the ABBOT zhiwaits’o.

Origin Tibet
Name Shantirakshita
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Classification Person
Appearance Monastic
Gender Male


is at Yamalung and Liyul Changra. He propitiated the Draknak Mopa Concourse to gain the magical flaming wisdom eye. He is an homage to .

Origin Tibet
Name Vairochana
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Gender Male


Buddhajnana is known as buddha gnosis. He is the master of every Tantra. He is perfectly Skilled in the of magic. He pierced rock with his as a sign of his achievement. He is an homage to Sangyay Yeshey

Gyalwa Cho’ kyang

Gyalwa Cho’ kyang is in the sacred hermitage of Glorious Chimpu. He propitiated the Padma Sung Concourse of Deities proclaiming control of the three worlds with neigh from his inotanelle. He is an homage to Gyalwa Cho’ kyang.

Origin Tibet
Name Gyalwa Cho’ kyang
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Gender Male


Akashagarbha is also known as sky womb. In the most secret cave of the Lhotrak Kharch’u. He revealed the attainment of Yangdak Thuk. To gain perfect skill in fulfilling his purpose and riding the sun’s rays. He is an homage to Namkhainyingpo.

Origin Tibet
Name Akashagarbha
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Gender Male


Jananakumarara is also known as the prince of Gnosis. He is the master of the dectriness of Maha, Anu, and Atiyoga. He realized the mandala of Nangsrid Dudtsi to released Ambrosia rock as his sign of achievement. HE is an homage to Yeshey Zhonnu.

Origin Tibet
Name Jananakumarara
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Classification Deity
Gender Male

Ocean of Gnosis

Ocean of Gnosis is also known as the mother of the buddhas, Vajra yogini. She is also known as the mother of variety, transcendent perfection of wisdom, , seductive, and laughing. She is Padma’s consort. She is an homage to Yeshey Ts ‘ogyalma.

Origin Tibet
Name Ocean of Gnosis
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Gender Male

Glorious Lion

Glorious Lion is in the Samdrup Keutsang Cave at Padro Traksang. He perfected the mandala of Jikten Choto to enslave furious and demons. He is training them to perform the four Karmas. He is an homage to Palgyi Sange.

Origin Tibet
Name Glorious Lion
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Gender Male

Glorious Gnosis

Glorious Gnosis is at Naygyirawa in the village of Yartshambo. He received the visitation of the Botong Mama Concourse to gain power over the element mamo. He is enslaving them. He is an homage to Palgyi Yeshey.

Origin Tibet
Name Glorious Gnosis
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Gender Male

The Invincible Ancient

Pang Mipham is also known as the invincible who is at the age of eighty. He transferred to the mind of Vairotsana. He meditated with bet, chin rest and mattress to ease his infirmity to live for five hundred years. He is vanishing in a . He is an homage to Pang Mipham.

Origin Tibet
Name Pang Mipham
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Gender Male

Mighty Lion

Mighty Lion is by the lake of Nyangrok Nyen. He is consciously living a Layman’s role and discovering four profound texts He was caught by Vimala, manifesting in a body of light. He is an homage to Chetsun Senge .

Origin Tibet
Name Mighty Lion
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Gender Male

Spontaneous Victor

Spontaneous Victor is bearing a of profound and sacred teaching. He discovered the womb of clear light of the . He is the master of compassion. He is skillful in the means of great love. He is an homage to Dangma Lhungyal.

Origin Tibet
Name Spontaneous Victor
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Gender Male

Dharma Virtue

Dharma Virtue is with his Omniscience, penetrating all knowable , with his love. He is treating all beings at his sons with his power increasing the good of all beings and the dharma. He is an homage to Dharmabhadra.

Origin Tibet
Name Dharma Virtue
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Gender Male

The Saugata of Zurchen

The Saugata of Zurchen is arising out of the as being of great splendour, with inconceivable prescience and power of magical transforming. He clarified the ancient Doctrine of the land of the snows. He is an homage to Deshek Zurpocch’e.

Origin Tibet
Name Glorious Gnosis
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Gender Male

Furious Wisdom

Furious Wisdom is holding fast to the ’s heart. He is completing his study and practice. He destroyed vice by magical display and inspired faith in others to become an object of reverence to all Dharma bearers. He is an homage to Zurch’ung Sherab Drakpa.

Origin Tibet
Name Furious Wisdom
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Gender Male

The Holy Sugata

After the practice of Tamdrin’s secret Sadhana, The Holy heard the Guru’s voice. He came of onton lineage, great compassion embodies as Khyer Gangpa, Kathokpa. He is the master of the ancient decorin. He is an homage to Dampa Deshek.

Origin Tibet
Name The Holy Sugata
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Gender Male

Swayambhu Vajra

Vajra is also known as the self Sprung Vajra. He is known as Chenrazik knowingly tired to human existence, by padmasambhava and Vimalamitra to break open many Gong Ter. He spreads the Nying Thik Doctrine to the ends of the . He is an homage to .

Origin Tibet
Name Swayambhu Vajra
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Gender Male

Longchen Rabjampa

Longchen Rabjampa is also known as the free space all pervading. He is with total insight into the mandala of knowledge, bearing the wealth of the most precious sacred teaching. He spread the most profound Gong Ter. He is an homage to Longchen Rabjampa.

Origin Tibet
Name Longchen Rabjampa
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Gender Male

Sangdrak Drophukpa

Sangdrak Drophukpa was born in Tingri. He is proclaimed by Dampa as an emanation of Guhyapati . He is completing his study and practice of Maha, Anu, and Atiyoga. His prodigious activity affected the end of the earth, he is an homage to Sangdrak Drophukpa.

Origin Tibet
Name Sangdrak Drophukpa
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Gender Male

Thuchen Yungtongpa

Thuchen Yungtongpa is also known as the magician teacher of Yung. He is blessed from his youth with knowledge of Sutras and Tantras, the art and science, urged on by his lama. He is completing his course of Dzokchen. He destroyed the eight lord of pride to expand his activity. He is an homage to Thuchen Yungtongpa.

Origin Tibet
Name Thuchen Yungtongpa
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Gender Male


Drubch’en Melong is also known as magus. He is with perfect insight into the truth of reality. He is training himself in the dance of wisdom. He worked for the sake of innumerable beings. He is an homage to Drubch’en Melong.

Origin Tibet
Name Drubch’en Melong
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Gender Male

Nyangral Nyima Wozer

Nyangral Nyima Wozer is also known as the sunbeam of Nyangral. As ’s body incarnate in Lhotrak Tamshul. At the Srinbar Cave and Khoting bearing the treasure of profound teaching. He revealed the Drubch’en Derdus and other terma. He is an homage to Nyangral Nyima Wozer.

Origin Tibet
Name Nyangral Nyima Wozer
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Gender Male

Guru Chokyi Wangchuk

Guru Chokyi Wangchuk is known as Dharma Might. He is as Trisong detens speech incarnate , of pangton lineage of Layak. In Namkhay he revealed the Gyatsa Korsum amongst eighty terma. To become master of compassion in training beings. He is an homage to Guru Chokyi Wangchuk.

Origin Tibet
Name Guru Chokyi Wangchuk
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Gender Male

Rigdizin Ngodrub Gyaltsan

Rigdizin Ngodrub Gyaltsan is considered a power . As Dunjom, the devil Slayer returned to Nam in Tsang. In Zang Zang Lha Trak he composed the five Sangdzod Chempo. To protect the land of Tibet. He is an homage to Vulture Featured, Rigdizin Ngodrub Gyaltsen.

Name Rigdizin Ngodrub Gyaltsan
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Gender Male

Garwang Sangyay Lingpa

Garwang Sangyay Lingpa is also known as Buddha Island Yogin. As Lhasraay Dampa reincarnate in Lingpo Gying. In the great cave of puri, he revealed the Lama Gong Dos. The chief of twenty-eight Terma. While his work touched the whole of Tibet. He is an homage to Garwang Sangyay Lingpa.

Name Garwang Sangyay Lingpa
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Gender Male

Chogyal Ratna Lingpa

Chogyal Ratna Lingpa is also known as Jewel Island Yogin. As the translator Lang Dro returned to Lhotrak Trushul. He opened the door of twenty five Zap Ter like four collections of Krarchau who is the professor of unfailing all perasive activity. He is an homage to Chogyal Ratna Lingpa.

Name Chogyal Ratna Lingpa
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Gender Male

Rigzdin Padma Lingpa

Rigzdin Padma Lingpa is also known as Lotus Island Yogin. He is as Laytrel reincarnates at Tharling in Bumthang. He revealed eighteen great like Mebart’s. Always graduating in magical display to accord to the needs of others. He is an homage to Rigzdin Padma Lingpa.

Name Rigzdin Padma Lingpa
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Gender Male

Dudul Lingpa

Lingpa is the devil training island yogins. The translator Kheu Ch’ung reincarnated at Derge in Dokan. At Tsawa Drotak he revealed the Nying Thik. He is considered the master of one hundred places and terms. He is the lord of the tenth stage. He is an homage to Dudul Lingpa.

Name Dudul Lingpa
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Gender Male

Ngari Panchen

Ngari Panchen is the great scholar of Nagri. As Trisong Detsen’s mind incarnate at Lowo Mathan. He withdrew the second Kabjay Dusba of Samayay Utse living a peerless life of knowledge and power. He is an homage to Ngari Panchen.

Origin Tibet
Name Ngari Panchen
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Classification Person
Appearance Monastic
Gender Male

Chimey Thang Thong Gyalpo

Chimey Thang Thong Gyalpo is the master of the self sprung reality of great compassion. He revealed many ancient termas and concealed many future termas, subduing the incorrigible of his magical vision. He is an homage to Chimey Thang Thong Gyalpo.

Origin Tibet
Name Chimey Thang Thong Gyalpo
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Classification Person
Appearance Lay Person
Gender Male

Namkha Jikmey

Jikmey is known as the blood drinker fearless heave. He is an incarnation of Vimalamitra in the form of the Lharik Tsunpa. He revealed the Terma called the mind of vajra heart discovering the Supreme absolute awareness. He is perfecting his skill in . He is an homage to blood drinker Namkha Jikmey.

Origin Tibet
Name Namkha Jikmey
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Gender Male

Gyalchok Ngapa

Gyalchok Ngapa is known as the omniscient fifth . As Trisong Deltsen dance incarnate of Zahor line to whom the and protectors revealed themselves. He opened the door of the twenty-five Gyanchan Dharmas. He is considered as the lord of being and doctrine in Tibet. He is an homage to Omnisient Gyalchok Ngapa.

Origin Tibet
Name Gyalchok Ngapa
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Classification Deity
Appearance Monastic
Gender Male

Rigdzin Padma Trinley

Rigdzin Padma Trinley is known as lotus karma. He is incarnate in the north, learned in the old and mew tantras. He completed creative and fulfillment meditation to work solely for dharma and other beings. He is unaffected by the stings of malediction to pass the sky master’s buddha field. He is an homage to Rigdzin Padma Trinley.

Origin Tibet
Name Rigdzin Padma Trinley
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Gender Male

Gyurmey Dorje

Gyurmey Dorje is also known as unchangini vajra. He is turning of the scholarship and power .He regenerated the karma and terma doctrines. He is the master of Boundless miraculous grace. He is an homage to Gyurmey Dorje.

Origin Tibet
Name Gyurmey Dorje
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Classification Deity
Appearance Lay person
Gender Male

Lochen Chopal

Lochen Chopal is known as glorious dharma. He is transcending his study of grammer, logic and the tantras. He purified his conduct and understanding and perfected his charity, to raise the light of dectrinal study. He is an homage to translator Lochen Chopal.

Origin Tibet
Name Lochen Chopal
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Gender Male

Jikmey Lingpa

Jikmey Lingpa is known as the fearless island Yogin. He is caught by the lotus-born Drimey Wozer. He is perfect in the art of Atiyoga. He spread the dharma of his gong Ter to the ends of the earth. He is an homage to Jikmey Lingpa.

Origin Tibet
Name Jikmey Lingpa
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
Classification Person
Gender Male
Publication Nyingma Icons

Khyentse Wongpo

Khyentse Wongpo is known as Sovereign of Omniscient Love. He is in the depths of the age of corruption . He regenerated the dharma with the Rimey Doctrine opening the secret treasury of the seven injunctions. He is an homage to Khyentse Wongpo.

Origin Tibet
Name Khyentse Wongpo
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Classification Person
Appearance Monastic
Gender Male

Lodro Thayay

Lodro Thayay is known as infinite Acumen. He is the master of the original five treasuries, as foreseen by Shakyamuni. He revealed the absolute truth. He is the king of the tenth stage. He is an gomage to Lodro Thayay.

Origin Tibet
Name Lodro Thayay
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Classification Person
Appearance Monastic
Gender Male

Jamgon Mipham

Jamgon Mipham is the invincible repository of the four qualities of perfect awareness. He is the ruler of dharma. He is the most learned of the scholars of the earth. He is an homage to Jamgon Mipham.

Origin Tibet
Name Jamgon Mipham
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Classification Person
Appearance Monastic
Gender Male

Jiktal Yeshey Dorje

Jiktal Yeshey Dorje is also known as Dunjom Rimpoche. In a previous life, Nuden Dorje Tsal, In the next life Deshek Mopa Thayay, In the Padmasambhava’s Regent, Drok reincarnate. He is an homage to Jiktal Yeshey Dorje.

Origin Tibet
Name Jiktal Yeshey Dorje
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Classification Person

Ferocious Lotus

Ferocious Lotus is arisen out of the , manifest in wrath with red black blazing buddha body, Padma Drakpo, one faced two hands one leg outstretched, one leg bent. Ferocious Lotus is an homage to the terrific, ranging buddha body.

Origin Tibet
Name Ferocious Lotus
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Classification Deity
Appearance Warthful
Gender Male

Dorje Drollo

Dorje Drollo has the Vajra fat belly with wrathful demeanour, great bliss flaming in potent might, purple-black in colour, bandishing Dorje and Parba with both feet dancing on the top of the tigress. He is an homage to Dorje Drollo.

Origin Tibet
Name Dorje Drollo
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Classification Deity
Appearance Monastic
Gender Male

Khyapdak Padma Vajra

Khyapdak Padma Vajra is one indivisible being, the nature of Buddha, the body, speech, and mind of all the Sugatas of the three . Khyapdak Padma Vajra is a master of violent Phenomena, bearer of the vajra. He is an homage to Khyapdak Padma Vajra.

Origin Tibet
Name Khyapdak Padma Vajra
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons

Kuchol Jampal Thropa

Yamantaka has a furious sweet voice with a single indestructible form of bliss and void. Kuchol Jampal Thropa constantly devouring the flux o space and time, and . He is Yamantaka, Shinijeshed. He is an homage to Kuchol Jampal Thropa.

Origin Tibet
Name Yamantaka
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Gender Male


Hayagriva has a horse neck. Hayagriva is the dharmakaya of every victor and he is from lotus lineage. Hayagriva is the lord of the dharma manifests as Vajra Dharma, a terrific buddha incarnate, sprung from HRI of Avalokita. He is an homage to Tamdrin of the horses laughing neigh.

Origin Tibet
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Classification Deity
Appearance Warthful
Gender Male

Yangdak Thuk

Yangdak Thuk has a perfect mind. Yangdak Thuk is nondual absolute awareness o every victor. Yangdak Thuk is perfectly sprung as the great warthful Vajra Heruka. Yangdak Thuk is the source of the highest power. He is an homage to the Yangdak Thuk.

Origin Tibet
Name Jiktal Yeshey Dorje
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Classification Deity

Chemchok Heruka

Chemchok Heruka is the suupreme Heruka. Chemchok Heruka is red and black in color, center of the swirling conflagration at the world’s end, with raging furious appearance, reveling in warthful buddha being, gloriously drinking and reveling in the blood of the four devils. He is man homage to Chemchok Heruka.

Origin Tibet
Name Chemchok Heruka
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Classification Person


Vajrakaliya is known as the vajra youth. Vajrakaliya is the supreme son of all wrathful victors united. Vajrakaliya is the skillful slaying devils with his sharp-bladed vajra. Vajrakaliya is the liberator and transcending . Vajrakaliya is the deity of perfect activity. Vajrakaliya is an homage to Dorje Zhonnu.

Origin Tibet
Name Vajrakaliya
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Classification Deity

Thutop Dakmo

Thutop Dakmo is known as the mistress of magical power. Thutop Dakmo arisen out of the unborn purity of the Dharmadhutu Citadel. Thutop Dakmo has a Black wrathful vajra mother serving creation. Thutop Dakmo is best over of both relative and absolute power, He is an homage to Thutop Dakmo.

Origin Tibet
Name Thutop Dakmo
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Classification Deity
Appearance Semi –
Gender female

Wangdzay Dakini

Wangdzay Dakini is also known as provident Dakini. She is the splendor of compassionate understanding of every victor. Wangdzay Dakini is the chief of the innumerable Dakinis, arisen as the power mother of bliss and void. She is ith her Charm. She is controlling all coming and going in the three worlds. She is an homage to Wangdzay Dakini.

Origin Tibet
Name Wangdzay Dakini
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Classification Deity
Appearance Semi – peaceful
Gender Female

Dakini Senge Dongma

Dakini Senge Dongma is also known as the lion-headed mother. Dakini Senge Dongma is arisen out of the Dharmadjatu. Dakini Senge Dongma is the mother of every victory, chief of the innumerable Dakinis with her magical power pulverizing obstructing adversaries, and homage to Dakini Senge Dongma.

Origin Tibet
Name Dakini Senge Dongma
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Classification Deity


Lhathothori is at Lungdon Thunpa in the land of Tibet. He discovered the first time the text of the Sacred teaching, the supreme emanation of the bodhisattva Samantabhadra. He is an homage to Lhathothori.

Origin Tibet
Name Lhathothori
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Gender Male

Songtsen Gampo

Songtsen Gampo is Chenrazik in the guise of a maan. He first introduced the holy scripture to Tibet for translation and explanation of its meaning. He is an homage to Songtsen Gampo.

Origin Tibet
Name Songtsen Gampo
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Classification Person
Appearance King
Gender Male

Trisong Detsen

Trisong Detsen discroverd of the great mandala of the tenth stage with infinite omnisent compassionate energy and many magical devices. He protected his people. He is an homage to Trisong Detsen.

Origin Tibet
Name Trisong Detsen
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Classification Person
Appearance Peaceful
Gender Male

Ngadak Triral

Ngadak Triral is in the pinnacle chamber of glorious Samyaling. He revealed the mind of Chemchoks virtue to stand firm in , settling the dharma in Tibet. He is an homage to Ngadak Triral.

Origin Tibet
Name Ngadak Triral
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Classification Person
Appearance warthful
Gender Male

Legden Chempo

Legden Chempo is the supreme lord of the Yogins. He is manifest as protector of teaching. He endowed with the powerful art of . He is an homage to Legden Chempo.

Origin Tibet
Name Ledgen Chempo
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Classification Deity
Appearance Warthful
Gender Male

Nakpo Chempo

Nakpo Chempo is the form of Mahakala. He arose out of the black-red mandala. He sits upon lotus, sun, and crops, cross-legged, with one face and four arms. He is the homage to Nakpo Campo.

Origin Tibet
Name Nakpo Chempo
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Classification Deity
Appearance Warthful
Gender Male

Maning Nakpo

Maning Nakpo is the form of Heruka. Maning Nakpo is the embodiment of Nakpo Chepo who is a warthful victors trustee. Maning Nakpo butchers his adversaries as Lhachen Palbar. He is the lord of all protectors. Maning Nakpo is an homage to Maning Nakpo.

Origin Tibet
Name Maning Nakpo
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Classification Deity
Appearance Warthful
Gender Neuter


is the single plait mother who is arisen out of the suffocating black wind at the end of the world. mistress of every action and understanding empress of the Mamo. Ekajati is the queen of existence. Ekajati is the homage to the protectress of the tantra Ralchikma.

Origin Tibet
Name Ekajati
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Classification Deity
Appearance Warthful
Gender Female

Palden Lhamo Remati

Remati is the Remati and the glorious goddess. In the presence of Padmakara. Palden Lhamo Remati is the secret master. She was sworn to obedience, transformed into the buddha body of a demoness, great power mother, protector of the Buddhas. She is the homage to Palden Lhamo Remati.

Origin Tibet
Name Palden Lhamo Remati
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Classification Deity
Appearance Warthful
Gender Feale


Mahadev is the great god . Mahadev is discriminating awareness, being of all the victors. You are the perfect emanation of Avalokita’s power and compassion. Mahadev mightly ruler of the universe. He is an homage to your consort.

Origin Tibet
Name Mahadev
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Classification Deity
Appearance Semi – warthful
Gender Male

Red – Black Butcher

Red – Black Butcher is the splendor of the violent action of every victor. You are the perfect victor’s Dharma, mature. Red-Black Butcher is the king of the arrogant Noichin. Red – Black Butcher is the homage to you, the Red – Black Butcher.

Origin Tibet
Name Red-Black Butcher
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Classification Deity
Publication Nyingma Icons


Rahula is arisen out of the pure land of fire and infinite ferocity. Rahula is the lord who is created out of violent activity. Rahula is smokey grey in color and has nine heads, four arms, one thousand flaming eyes. Rahula is the homage to a Dharma protector Khyapjuk Chempo.

Origin Tibet
Name Rahula
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Classification Deity
Appearance Warthful
Gender Male


Vaisravana is the son of wisdom. Vaisravana is with indestructible armor. Vaisravana wears a necklace of precious stones, and a scarf flapping elegantly on the banner of victory. He is resplendent amid ’s hosts. Vaisravana is an homage to Namthosray.

Origin Tibet
Name Vaisravana
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Classification Deity
Appearance King
Gender Male

Vajra Sadhu

Vajra Sadhu is the invincible Sant. Vajra Sadhu is resident in the valley of Shang in the country of Uruk, in the burning iron palace. He was born of malignant and skilled in magical transformation, servant of the Bhagwan Vajra Sadhu is the homage to Dorje Legpa, Harbinger of Liberation.

Origin Tibet
Name Vajra Sadhu
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Classification Deity
Appearance Warthful
Gender Male

Drogdze Wangmo

Drogdze Wangmo is the queen of the friends. Drogdze Wangmo is the mistress of every Sacred Cemetery, vile empress of protectors and Dakinis. She is endowed with presence, magical power, and transforming ability. Drogdze Wangmo is an homage to Yogini Drokzay Wangmo.

Origin Tibet
Name Drokzay Wangmo
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Classification Deity
Appearance Warthful
Gender Female


Tseringma is the queen of the long life. Tseringma is the great mother all-pervading space of great bliss. incarnate in foul lands in the forms of Memo. She is the powerful protector of the knowledge holders. Tseringma is the homage to Tashi Ts’eyi Wangmo.

Origin Tibet
Name Tseringma
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Classification Deity
Appearance Warthful
Gender Female


Pehar is converted by Padmasambhava to protect the Trakmarpal. He guards the centers of Dharma. He is an homage to Pehar.

Origin Tibet
Name Pehar
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Classification Deity
Appearance Warthful
Gender Male

Tsiu Marpo

Tsiu Marpo is the powerful servant of Padmawang, king Yanglebar of the Arrogant Demons. Tsiu Marpo is the master killer of the enemies of Dharma. Tsiu Marpo is the homage to you, Tsiu Marpo.

Origin Tibet
Name Tsiu Marpp
Date Range 1960
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
 Publication Nyingma Icons
Classification Deity
Appearance Warrior
Gender Male


Vajra is the secret mind, the omniscience, the absolute awareness of the Buddhas, indicated by a symbol of eternal Strength and constancy. The Vajra heart of awareness and emptiness is like the sky. How wonderful to see the intrinsic face of reality.

Origin Tibet
Date Range 1960
Name Vajra
Lineage Nyingma and Buddhist
Collection Nyingma Icons

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About sadiksha

Namaste! I am a Nepali Art Dealer specialized in Mandala and Thangka paintings. I love to write articles about the monastic culture of the Himalayas.

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